
Ji Yan Spring and Autumn

In the past week, the American speakers Pelosi visited the game between mainland China and the United States and Taiwan triggered by Taiwan.The balance and tacit understanding of cross -strait relations between the Taiwan Strait have been broken, and they can no longer return.

Around Perlix's visit to Taiwan, China and the United States have carried out a few months of political wrestling between China and the United States.On July 28, the first call of China and the United States, the outside world had doubts about whether Perosi could visit Taiwan.However, Pelosi and his party still arrived in Taiwan late at night on August 2nd. Mainland China was in a sorrow and was in a sorrow, and he was unhappy with the official failure to stop Perlus from visiting Taiwan.

After Pelosi landed in Taiwan, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the National People's Congress, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the Central Taiwan Office expressed severe condemnation together.The Mainland PLA announced that night that it began a series of joint military operations around Taiwan.After Pelosi left Taiwan, the People's Liberation Army surrounded Taiwan from 12:00 on August 4th to 12:00 on August 4 to conduct unprecedented military training operations in multiple sea areas and airspace.

On the whole, China has made enough countermeasures to Pelosi's visit to Taiwan this time.The countermeasures are targeted at the United States and Taiwan, mainly political countermeasures to the United States, and military and economic countermeasures against Taiwan.

China has not hindered Peros' special plane to arrive and leave Taiwan.Some large networks on the Internet propose to use military planes to fly, prevent and even shot down the Perlus special plane, which is actually a war behavior. If Chinese officials do this, not only can they stand on the way, but also to declare war on the United States.Not so light.

But Pelossey is the third American politician after all. If China has given strong condemnation in verbal, if China used to visit US members and politicians.Mutual visits from important officials continued between Taiwan.Therefore, China's countermeasures must be "resolute and powerful", otherwise the official credit will be greatly damaged.

China ’s countermeasures against the United States are divided into two levels: First, sanctions on Perosi himself and its direct family members.This is the first time in China to take sanctions on officials at the current level of the United States. Although it may have little impact on Pelosi himself, it has also created a symbolic precedent in Sino -US relations; the second is that China announced the cancellation of the arrangement of the arrangement of the arrangement.The U.S. Theater's theater leaders call, cancel the work meeting of the Ministry of Defense in China and the United States, cancel the Sino -US military security negotiation mechanism meeting, suspend the repatriation of illegal immigrants in China and the United States, suspend Sino -US criminal judicial assistance cooperation, suspend Sino -US crackdown on cross -border crime cooperation, suspend the suspensionSino -US anti -drug cooperation, as well as the suspension of climate change in China and the United States.

China ’s countermeasures for the“ three cancellations and five pauses ”adopted by the United States can be described as unprecedentedly tough, which basically interrupted the official communication channels between China and the United States, especially the military exchange channels, which increased the military frictions of China -US outbreaks.risk.However, the Chinese countermeasures are actually guarding the offensive. The purpose is not to completely decompose with the United States, but to hope to keep the bottom line of the "one China" and prevent the United States from continuing to hollowing out one -China policy.

Under the current situation, neither China and the United States and the international community are reluctant to see that Sino -US relations are completely broken.It is expected that after the visit to the typhoon in Perosi, China and the United States will find the time to restart the dialogue, which will not cause Sino -US relations to be in turbulence for a long time.

Cross -Strait relations are the biggest victims of Perlus's visit to Taiwan this time.In the past few days, advanced weapons such as the PLA dispatched the J-20 stealth fighter and the 055 10,000-ton destroyer were dispatched to conduct joint sea and air training in the northern, southwest, and southeast spaces in the northern, southwest, and southeast air areas.The firepower of conventional missiles in the eastern waters of the island. The missiles passed over Taiwan for the first time. The fighter and warships crossed the Taiwan Strait's midline, and even entered Taiwan's territorial sea, completely breaking the tacit understanding of military operations between the two sides of the strait for decades.

According to the interpretation of Major General of the PLA, the PLA's training has achieved several "unprecedented" training, including approaching Taiwan Island, Hewei Terrace, to deter the intervention of external forces.The six major areas set up by the PLA have tightly surrounded the island in the middle, which can not only jointly control the Taiwan Island, or strike the "Taiwan independence" forces.

Through a few days of training, the PLA showed the ability to fully block Taiwan and established the new military pattern of the Taiwan Strait.In recent years, Taiwan has been promoting "Taiwan independence" in the form of "cutting sausages". In addition to condemning and warning, the mainland has always lacked effective means to prevent the trend of "Taiwan independence".However, this time the mainland's visit to Taiwan, the mainland finally used the military blockade to block this hard trick, showing the world's determination and strength to solve the Taiwan problem at the world.

Apart from oral opposition to the PLA's large -scale training, the United States and Taiwan have not taken strong movements to counterattack.It is foreseeable that if the United States and Taiwan continue to challenge the principles of China in mainland China in the future to develop official relations and promote the "Taiwan independence" direction.In the "Taiwan independence", the risk of military conflict broke out in the Taiwan Strait will continue to increase.

At the same time, the mainland also launched economic sanctions on Taiwan, announcing that it has paused input measures for citrus fruits and ice fresh leucorrhea fish to the mainland to the mainland, and the export of natural sand to Taiwan was suspended.Taiwan's trade surplus to the mainland exceeds 170 billion US dollars. If necessary, the mainland can also expand the scope of sanctions on Taiwan.

The Plussen's visit to Taiwan has triggered the game between mainland China and the United States and Taiwan will gradually fade away, but the cross -strait relations and the situation in the Taiwan Strait have undergone profound changes.Or a new strategy of "forced by Wu".

For the Asia -Pacific region and the international community, the turbulent situation in the Taiwan Strait does not meet the interests of any party.How to eliminate the risk of war and maintain the peace of Taiwan, the United States, Taiwan, and mainland China need more wisdom to solve the crisis.