(Zhengzhou News) The Zhengzhou Municipal Government of Henan Province announced that the establishment of a scale with a scale of 10 billion yuan (RMB, Same as S $ 2 billion) is tentatively established to inject funds to the market and increase liquidity.Activate the issue of real estate projects and real estate projects, and solve the problem of suspension of social attention.

According to the Dahe Daily, the Zhengzhou Municipal Government has issued an operation plan for the establishment of the Zhengzhou Real Estate Rejection Fund on Friday (August 5) to announce the above news.

The bailout fund is based on the principles of "government guidance, multi -level participation, and market operation".According to rescue projects, districts and cities have attracted the establishment of sub -funds in different types of social capital, and the funds are in place in accordance with the project and sub -fund conditions.

Special Fund for Saves Fund focuses on guiding and encouraging social capital such as central enterprises and provincial -level state -owned enterprises, as well as main entities such as cities and district -level state -owned investment and financing companies with credit rating.Future sales revenue in the domain can cover the stock real estate projects that invest in project investment, alleviate the difficulty of capital liquidity in the short -term appearance of real estate companies, and use the special real estate projects of dangerous housing companies to solve the suspension of the mortgage month of the mortgage of some social concerns.Provide problems.

It is reported that in terms of operation, the implementation subject will be a sub -fund formed by a special fund for bailout and two -level state -owned companies, social capital, etc. in the urban area. In principleIn principle, the district state -owned investment and financing company should be established in principle.