The United StatesPlogs, Speaker of the House of Representatives, visited Taiwan, which set off the turbulence of the two sides of the strait, and also provoked sensitive political nerves between the two sides of the strait.Taiwanese singer Hebe was also involved in the storm.

Tian Yanzhen released a dynamic on Tuesday (August 2) in the social media Instagram. One of them was a photo of her sitting in a restaurant in Alishan to eat Italian noodles.The pasta -pasta will bother her for a while.

Zhen Tuesday released her in Instagram in AliThe dynamics of Italian noodles in the restaurants of the mountain.(Internet)

This dynamic has attracted the attention of netizens in mainland China, but their focus is on the pasta.Because Pelosi was an Italian -American, and the dynamic release time was just on the day Perosi arrived in Taiwan's visit, Tian Yanzhen was quickly labeled "Taiwan independence".

There is also a dynamic dynamics that she is walking in the forest to enjoy leisurely time.The word "province" is also considered a sense of Taiwan independence.

Tian Yan Zhen also released her in the forestDynamic, but the text contains the word "province", which is considered a sense of "Taiwan independence".(Internet)

After the topic of "Tian Yan Zhen's Taiwan independence", on Wednesday, it will be on the Weibo hot search list on Wednesday.As of Friday (August 5), the reading volume reached nearly 50 million.Tian Yanzhen later deleted the dynamic dynamics, but did not respond.

Many mainland netizens criticized Tian Yanzhen as a "double -sided person" and asked her not to come to the mainland to develop to make money.Some netizens turned out the remarks she had previously published, saying that her Taiwan independence thought was "dazzling."

Even netizens dug out the islands launched by Tian Yizhen in 2010, saying that many of the lyrics revealed the idea of being unified and "do not want to be unified by the mainland."It is the key evidence of Tian Yanzhen's Taiwan independence through a piece of sea without disturbing each other.China Mobile's official music portal Migu Music immediately removed all Tian Yanzhen's songs.

The song of the people Tian Yanzhen's song off the island lyrics lyricsList and mark the lyrics that are suspected of "Taiwan independence".(Weibo)

However, some netizens believe that such allegations are "too far -fetched", "whether it is Taiwan independence, official conclusion", there is no need to engage in "text prison", with rhythm.Taiwanese netizens on the other side also said that the whole incident seemed a bit ridiculous. "Singing the world for a lifetime is learning Chinese, but when you eat a pasta, you will flipped up.""

" There is only one China "Taiwanese artist list

The time is highly nervous on both sides of the Taiwan Strait due to Perosi visiting Taiwan. Many Taiwanese artists who have developed in mainland China include Ouyang NanaYang Yanlin, Guo Caijie, etc., took the initiative to forward the posts of CCTV news on Weibo on Tuesday, and wrote "only one China" in the inner text.

Mainland netizens also sorted out a list of Taiwanese artists who stated "only one China", including 30 artists, and named the artist who did not express.Sun Yanzi, Taiwanese artist Liu Genghong, and Wang Xinling, who has been popular with the wind and waves with a variety show recently.

Mainland netizens Sort out and did not express "A list of Chinese "artists, including Lin Junjie and Sun Yanzi.(Weibo)

It seems that Tian Yanzhen is "expelled". I am afraid that it is not simply to release the dynamics of eating Italian noodles and "provinces and provinces".The main reason.

Tian Yanzhen, who is popular from Chinese to Xiaoying

Tian Yanzhen in 2001 with the English art name "Hebe" and Ren Jiaxuan (Selina) and Ella (Ella), S.H.E.Debut.

S.H.E. In 2007, they officially opened their popularity in the global Chinese music scene with a Chinese dialect.However, Tian Yanzhen really launched its popularity after S.H.E. announced "single flying unclean" in 2010.

E. Established in 2001 and inIn 2007, he opened his popularity in the Chinese music scene with Chinese dialect.(Internet)

Tian Yanzhen launched a number of masterpieces such as angels in the devil in loneliness and loneliness since 2010. It has seized a place in the global Chinese music scene and became popular in mainland China.

Tian Yanzhen has accumulated a large number of fans with the high -cold image, sweet appearance, gentle voice, and the topic of S.H.E. "Single Flying No Dromation".Since 2015, she has been in a variety show in mainland China, including the sound of good Chinese voices (second season) dream (first season) I want to sing with you (third season) and so on.

Tian Yan Zhen covered in 2016 on the sound program of dreamsXue Zhiqian's actor, the video has exceeded 19 million in YouTube.(Screenshot of the video of Zhejiang Satellite TV Music YouTube Channel)

Tian Yanzhen not only uses these platforms to show his singing voice, but also show his own person.Many mainland netizens said that her "low -key, well -behaved" character "circled" in the show.

However, Tian Yanzhen, who has almost no negative reviews and controversy so far, has not avoided this cross -strait political storm after all.

Asymmetric performanceArt income

As we all know, the mainland's performing arts market is huge, but it also contains high risk. Despite this, many Taiwanese artists still can't resist the huge return of potential on the other side.

According to the report of Shangguan News in 2018, mainland Chinese variety shows are divided into "S -Class", "A -Class", "Second Line" and general program types in accordance with the size.Single sets can reach 5 million yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 102,000). If there are 10 to 13 episodes of the first season, the artist's total pay as a resident guest is at least 50 million yuan.

Even if Beijing promulgated the "salary limit order" to the variety show in 2018, the repayment of a variety show for a variety show cannot exceed 800,000 yuan, but the total pay for the first season can still reach 10 million yuan.

Compared with Taiwan on the other side, taking Wu Zongxian, the host of the well -known variety show in Taiwan, he revealed on the episode of the positive time -limited program in 2015 that he hosted a variety show for only 500,000 yuanNT $ 23,000).

It is revealed that he hosted a episode yourselfVariety shows are only NT $ 500,000.(Internet)

The Voice of Germany has also quoted a Taiwanese musician Robert in a report saying that after the rise of the music streaming platform, musicians other than 1%of traffic,It is difficult to divide the profits from it.Therefore, as a Chinese singer, the way to make money is generally to visit mainland China, where he is on the album and participates in the other side of the music festival.

In addition to asymmetric benefits, the huge market audiences and funds are unmatched by the Taiwan performing arts circle. It is no wonder that Taiwanese stars want to develop in mainland China.

Political disputes on both sides of the strait

Taiwanese artists in mainland China. Although there are not many language barriers, the political position is often a major problem to contain their cultivation on the mainland.

Tian Yanzhen's controversy this time is not a case. It is difficult for artists to work on both sides of the strait to avoid sensitive political issues, so they often do with caution.

For life in mainland China, the words and deeds of Taiwanese artists must be in line with Beijing's ideology; but returning to Taiwan, the so -called "pro -China" remarks are local incorrect in politics.Between the two sides of the strait, Taiwanese artists are "not people inside and outside."

One of the examples is Taiwanese artist Xiao S (Xu Xizhen).Last August, she said in social media that she would invite Taiwanese players who participated in the Tokyo Summer Olympic Games to eat at home. Because of the use of the word "national player", it was criticized by mainland netizens as "Taiwan independence elements."However, when she criticized the Taiwanese government to ban the export of masks in the early stage of the crown disease epidemic in the previous year, she was severely criticized by Taiwanese netizens.

In the context of increasingly tight relations between cross -strait relations, the "anti -China" and "anti -Taiwan independence" emotions in Taiwan and the mainland's "anti -Taiwan independence" emotions, the disputes similar to Tian Yanzhen may only be more and more.