Deng Li, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of China on Thursday (August 4), was ordered to issue a statement on Taiwan ’s foreign ministers and the senior representatives of the EU’ s diplomatic and security policy.Outcry.Deng Li said that the relevant statement distorted the facts and reversed the black and white. It was completely interfering in China's internal affairs and blatant political provocations, and sent a serious error signal to the "Taiwan independence" split forces. The nature was extremely bad, and the Chinese side resolutely opposed it.

According to a statement issued by the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Deng Li pointed out that a Chinese principle is recognized as the basic criteria for international relations and the general consensus of the international community.Red line and bottom line.A strict connotation of a Chinese principle is that there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is part of China. The Government of the People's Republic of China is the only legal government representing the whole China. It is not an official exchanges with the country where China established diplomatic relations with China.

Deng Li also said that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is a naked political manipulation. It is a public violation of Chinese sovereignty and territorial integrity. Of course, China must not hesitate to make resolute counterattack.In response to the provocation of the United States and Taiwan, the Chinese side countered the heavenly righteousness.The European side not only did not discourage and condemn the United States to incite the split China and exacerbate the situation of the Taiwan Strait, and "control the Chinese" by the "Taiwan", but also stated in the statement that "it will abide by a Chinese policy when applying." This seriously violates a China principle, Seriously impact the political foundation of bilateral relations.

Deng Li emphasized that public opinion cannot be violated. The Taiwan issue is related to the national feelings of the Chinese people. Maintaining national sovereignty and territorial integrity is one of the biggest consensus of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people.Mainland China is willing to strive for peace and unity with the greatest sincerity, maximum patience, and maximum efforts, but it will also prevent the division of the country at any cost, and at any cost at any cost.Do not estimate the strong determination, determination, and strong ability of the Chinese government and the people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, realize national unity and national rejuvenation.

The Foreign Minister of the Seventh Kingdom Group issued a joint statement on Wednesday and the senior representative of the EU foreign policy, saying that China is concerned about the "recently announced threat actions, especially real bombs exercises and economic coercion, which may lead to unnecessary upgrade upgrades."" ".

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the seventh state of the Foreign Minister of the Seven Kingdoms Group during the session of the Asian Danian and Dialogue Partner Foreign Minister's series of foreign ministers on Thursday.Wang Yi said: "It is the United States that provoked the incident, and the United States created the crisis. It is still the United States who has continued to upgrade the tension." The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also announced that the China -Japan Foreign Minister meeting in Phnom Penh was canceled on the day.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hua Chunying responded to the above -mentioned joint statement that China has the right to maintain sovereignty and territorial integrity. "China today is not the old China, which is not bullied by more than 100 years before.Their powers should be awake. "