Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that China's officially set up about 5.5%of the economic growth goals set up early this year is instructive, but it is not a hard goal that must be achieved.

According to reports, people familiar with the matter said that the Chinese leadership stated at the meeting of some provincial and ministerial cadres last week that dueThe numbers must be achieved.The development goals of each place also have only guiding significance, and do not serve as the standard for evaluation and assessment officials.

The National People's Congress of China passed and set up the annual economic growth expected target of about 5.5%in March this year.However, affected by the crown disease epidemic in Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places, the initial accounting of GDP in the first half of the year increased by 2.5%year -on -year, of which only increased by 0.4%year -on -year in the second quarter.Unless the economic growth rate exceeds 5.5%in the second half of the year, the opportunity to achieve the growth goals set at the beginning of the year is not great.

People familiar with the matter quoted the senior officials of China that although the possibility of reaching the goal of the beginning of the year is not much high, the localities must still do their best, there must be no idea of lying flat, and to do our best in epidemic prevention and stable growth.

The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on Thursday (July 28) at the president of the General Secretary Xi Jinping.According to Xinhua News Agency, when deploying economic work in the second half of the year, the Politburo proposed that "strive to stabilize employment and stabilize prices, maintain economic operation in a reasonable range, and strive to achieve the best results."The "effort to achieve the annual economic and social development expectations" proposed by the Politburo meeting in April this year did not appear in the meeting content.

The meeting reiterated that it is necessary to adhere to the "dynamic clearance", and the epidemic must be strictly controlled and controlled immediately.Order operation ".