(Beijing Bloomberg) The sales of the top 100 housing companies in China continued to decline in sales in July, but the decline was slightly narrowed compared to June.

Real Estate Consulting Company Kerry's data shows that China's real estate sales ranking of the top 100 real estate companies in July, the total contract sales in July were RMB 523.1 billion (S $ 106.6 billion), a year -on -year decrease43 %; in July, a month -on -month decline was 28.6 %, and sales fell 49 % in the first seven months of this year.

Bloomberg reports that the sales of these housing companies in July continued to decline, showing that China's increasingly expanding real estate "suspension" crisis is further cracking down on buyers' confidence.

Kerry reported that the overall market demand and purchasing power of China's real estate have been overdrawn, and the industry confidence is also low; developers still face greater de -inventory pressure in the short term.

The Chinese government's deleveraging measures for the real estate industry, as well as regulatory measures to crack down on the speculation of the property market, have affected the demand for the real estate industry."The tide of suspension of loan" has also broke out from the end of June. Some developers have rotten the project due to the break of the capital chain, and buyers forcibly stopped paying mortgages.

Officially managing to change the slump of the property market by reducing the cost of mortgage loans and reducing the down payment amount.China's financial regulatory authorities have also urged banks to increase loans to developers and assist housing companies to complete the project.

When the Politburo of the Communist Party of China held a meeting to deploy the economic work in the second half of the year on July 28, it emphasized that the "keeping the property" should be emphasized, and the statement of "stabilizing the real estate market" was rarely ranked before the "house housing does not fry", highlighting the highlights, highlightingThe urgency of the current stabilization market.

People familiar with the matter also disclosed last week that Chinese officials are considering recovering unsolvable land from the hands of real estate companies to help these companies complete the suspension of projects.

Kerry's report predicts that local governments will increase the stimulus of the property market, and second, third, and fourth -tier cities are expected to further relax real estate restrictions.The report believes that cities with high pressure on the property market may stimulate buying houses through financial measures and stabilize market expectations.