A video of a Chinese celebrity filming a shark caused controversy. The shark in the appraisal video was the second -level protected animal white shark in China. Police said that the relevant personnel of the shark source have been controlled.

Comprehensive Red Star News and cover news reports, the Internet celebrity blogger "Ti Zi" released a video of a boiled shark and barbecue shark on July 14.However, some popular science bloggers later reported that the shark was a national second -level protected animal -loving shark (also known as Great White Shark), which caused controversy.

Sichuan Province Nanchong City Police Sunday (July 31) stated that through the shark meat and bone identification of shark meat and bones found in the net red home, the shark in the video is indeed a great white shark.Further handling.

The relevant person in charge of the Law Enforcement Supervision Section of the Nanchong Agricultural and Rural Bureau said on Monday (August 1) that the Great White Shark does not have artificial breeding at present, and revealed that the net celebrity is a shark purchased from JD.com.The source is the coastal area of Fujian.

The person in charge also said that the relevant personnel have been controlled by the police and are in contact with the relevant judicial testing department to detect whether the Great White Shark is larvae or adult to evaluate its value, which involves the result of the final case.

"Ti Zi" said in an interview on July 15 that the shark in the video was a sharp -tooth shark, which was purchased through regular channels, and repeatedly confirmed that the shark source channel was regular.

At present, the content of the Douyin account of 1.14 million fans has been emptied, indicating that it has been banned because it does not meet the community specifications.

Yu Jinbing, a lawyer of Beijing Yuwangshan Law Firm, said that the great white shark is a second -level protective wildlife in China, whether it is illegal hunting, killing, or illegal acquisition, transportation, and sellingThe crime of precious and endangered wildlife.

The lawyer said that the net celebrity is likely to make mistakes due to the lack of basic legal knowledge, but still needs to bear the corresponding responsibility for his own wrong behavior.