The China Health and Health Commission said that the willingness to fertility of Chinese childcare women will continue to decline. It is expected that the total population will enter the negative growth stage during the "14th Five -Year Plan" period.

The Party Group of the National Health and Health Commission on Monday (August 1) published an article in a magazine that with the further release of the long -term accumulated population growth, the growth rate of China's total population has slowed significantly. "During the 14th Five -Year Plan period, it will enter the negative growth stage.

The article pointed out that China's population development is not only facing a large population pressure, but also the challenge brought about by the transformation of the population structure. Under the negative population growth, "young children aging" will become the norm, and the low fertility rate will become a affecting China.The most important risk of population balance development.

The article said that the China Health and Health Commission's 2021 survey showed that the average number of children who planned to have childbirth was 1.64, which was lower than 1.76 in 2017 and 1.73 in 2019.The post -90s, "post -00s" are only 1.54 and 1.48.

The article also pointed out that the degree of aging in China is deepened, and it is expected that it will enter the stage of severe population aging by 2035, that is, the population over 60 years old accounts for more than 30%;People have a decrease of 0.48 people compared with 2010. Family miniaturization also weakens the function of pension and younger care.

The article states that factors such as heavy economic burdens, unmanned children, and women's concerns about career development are the main obstacles to restrict fertility.

The China Health and Health Commission emphasized that a sound supporting support policy system should be established as soon as possible, and policies such as housing, education, medical care, employment, taxation, social security, etc. appropriately tilted to the family of children's children, and the construction cost was reasonable.The policy support system for sharing mechanisms and fertility is to reduce the burden on family fertility, create a social atmosphere of childbearing friendship, and stimulate fertility potential.

China National Statistics Bureau announced the seventh population census in May last year.New low.

Due to the slowdown of China's population growth, the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Congress amended the population and family planning law in August last year, stipulating that a couple can have three children, and the "three -child" fertility policy was officially enrolled.