

In early July, the controversy of the "social adjustment" of Guangxi's "Social Tune" detonated public opinion,

once again trigger the Chinese society's attention to the goal of Superborn.

The 1990s to the early 2000s was the peak period of Chinese superborn,

Most children born in a special period are adults. What kind of growth experience do they have?

Families who pay the price due to superborn, how can we let go of this heavy history?

Christmas in 2000, with a pair of cute Dan Fengyan's little plum blossoms, in a western -style house, sitting in front of a huge Christmas tree, shaking the body excitedly and singing Christmas songs in Dutch.This is the first year when Mei Hua Steenwinkel was adopted by a Dutch couple, she quickly integrated into her new life and gradually forgot her memory in China.

22 years later, the 26 -year -old plum blossom embarked on a journey to look for a family, trying to find his childhood memory and unbutton his mystery.

According to the document of the welfare home, Meihua was sent to a welfare home in Hefei, Anhui the next day.In the three years of the welfare home, her name was Shen Hanfang; no one knew her real name.She was adopted by a Dutch couple in 1999, and the trajectory of her life changed.

The story of plum blossoms is not uncommon in China during a period of child.According to Yi Fuxian, a Chinese population scholar and the auto nest author of the big country, during the implementation of a policy from 1980 to 2010, China ’s superborn children are expected to reach 200 million.Although most of the super -born children remain in their native families, many babies have been raised, and international adoption has become an important channel for superbos to find new families.

China first approved a foreigner to adopt a baby girl in Guangdong in 1985 to open a way for international adoption; then in 1992 and 1999, the adoption law and foreigners' registration methods for adopting their children in the People's Republic of China were successively implemented.The tide of adoption and international adoption under the policy has been intertwined quickly in these decade.

adopted children to find relatives and need great courage to find relatives

Kay Ann Johnson, the late scholar who studied China's policy, pointed out that during the implementation of a child's policy, 120,000 children adopted by overseas families were adopted by European and American families, most of them were girls.In the peak of international adoption in 2005, about 30 % of all legal adoption cases in China were international adoption.

With the gradual growth of these international adopted children, China has set off a wave of international adoption in recent years.However, it takes great courage to set foot on the journey of relatives.

Meihua told Lianhe Zaobao: "I felt very happy when I was a kid. I don't have to think about it. Now I think about it. This may be a way for self -protection ... When I grow up, I look at myself in the mirror every day.The differences with others are becoming more and more obvious, and they are more curious about their background. "

After the outbreak of the crown disease in 2020, the plum blossom felt that the world was unpredictable, so he decided to follow his inner voice to do it.In the past two years, she has tried to find biological parents through DNA databases, tracing advertisements, and paid tracing services in Anhui. Although five families tried to pair desertorucleacucleic acid (DNA) pairing during this period, they were unsuccessful.

This journey of relatives may not have an end point, and plum blossoms are also psychologically prepared.

She said, "I just want to know if I have brothers and sisters, like my biological parents? They are unhappy? Will they miss me? Of course they may not want me to appear in their lives again,If so, I can accept it too. "

Li Weihan, the founder of Chinese family pulse, told Lianhe Zaobao that the international adoption of the company that entrusts his company in China in the past three years has increased significantly in China.In the process of dealing with nearly 60 cases of findings.

But the probability of successfully founding the biological parents is quite slim. According to his experience, the success rate is only about 15%.Li Weihan said that for many adopters, the process of seeking relatives is the most important thing. This is the way they understand themselves and self -reconciliation.

Some adopters do not want to face their own life

How to face and accept the fact that you may be abandoned, it is a difficult issue that many adopters must face during the growth process.Not all adopted children can talk to their own life with a smile like plum blossoms; some international adopted children deeply feel the heavy burden of the times, and decide to bury their lives in the years.

The 22 -year -old He Yurong generally does not share with others as a background of adoption; she was adopted by a Canadian couple at the age of one.The face of double discrimination between Asians also made her ashamed of her life life since she was a child.

He Yurong faces racial discrimination in the foreigner community because of the Chinese appearance, and in Chinese society, he does not understand Asian culture and language to face ridicule and sarcasm. He has even become a joke in some classmates.In the past five years, the tension between Eastern and Western countries has led to the high emotions of some Western countries, and the discrimination facing He Yurong has also intensified in public places.After the outbreak of the crown disease in 2020, she was attacked for no reason.

She said: "Everyone wants to integrate into her own group during young people. I have been integrated as much as possible, but I have been regarded as marginalized."

The traditional culture of Chinese and young women is generally regarded as the fuse of a large number of baby girls being abandoned. This reality has hit He Yurong's confidence, and once made her resent her biological parents."I used to doubt what I had, why didn't my biological parents want me? Isn't me good enough?"

But after He Yurong began to contact information about the policy of one child, he gradually discovered that Chinese families gave up their children's pain, and these complicated social and political factors behind them decided."A deeper understanding allows me to let go of my parents' resentment. In any case, this is not a non -black or white choice."

Perhaps for He Yurong, the understanding of her biological parents is an important process she has accepted her past.Before the interview, the soft -hearted girl suddenly asked to add a sentence during the visit.

She paused for a while and said, "Although I am unlikely to meet her biological parents again,I hope you know that I am alive and live well.Although I can't fully understand your decision, I completely forgive you.I believe this is the best decision to make you and your family in that era."

I just want to know if I have brothers and sisters, like my biological parents?Are they happy?Will you miss me?Of course, they may not want me to appear in their lives again, if so, I can accept it.

—— plum blossom

Suspiciousness of children's trafficking topic

Plum Blossom and He Yurong have different choices on finding relatives, but their adoption stories have high similarities.The records of the two welfare home showed that they were sent to the welfare institution after being discovered by the public security bureau near the Public Security Bureau; this is also the "standard interpretation" of many adopted documents on the origin of adopted children.

Before the "social adjustment" incident in Guangxi Quanzhou in early July, the public opinion scandal related to welfare institutes and international adoptions had occurred before the "social adjustment" incident.

Over the past 20 years, the issue of adoption in China has been on the domestic and foreign media versions from time to time, but related news is not only a transnational finding story of making tears in tears, and has been controversial for many years.

The Times Weekly revealed in the report in 2011 that the international adoption gray industry chain formed by one child policy, welfare institute and international adoption organization.

It is reported that the Zhenyuan County Government of Guizhou Province was accused of confiscating super -born baby girls in 2009, forced to send it to the orphanage, and sold them to foreigners with a "support fee" of $ 3,000 (NG of S $ 4167).The cost of raising a child about a child is about $ 5,000, including subsequent translation and handling fees.

Some studies have pointed out that international adoption fees in some regions have reached 10,000 to 20,000 US dollars; international adoption has therefore become an important source of income for welfare institutes.

As the international adoption families launch a family -looking action, the background of the adoption of doubts has gradually floated to the surface.When Meihua investigated her life, she found that the record of "found near the Public Security Bureau" was not reliable, because the location she was discovered was very far from the Public Security Bureau.

The vague record of the welfare house for the adopted children's background has exacerbated the difficulty of the adopted children to find relatives, and also caused some adopted children to question the official Chinese officials.

He Yurong suspected that she might be the child who was trafficked, but she would rather not solve the mystery.Disputes on international adoption have made her cautious about Chinese officials, and she is unwilling to leave her information in China's DNA database.She was also worried that if her biological parents were sent away by illegal channels, they might be punished for their family -looking actions.

Superborn family staged "Guerrilla War"

A humorous sketch named Superborn Guerrillas was popular in China in the 1990s, which tells a story of a pair of rural couples that avoid superb supervision in various cities.This exaggerated short drama reflects the brutal reality faced by Chinese families under a strict policy.

Chen Li from Anhui (51 years old, a pseudonym) adopted a super daughter of a nearby village in 1997.There is already a biological son in her family. After the girl was adopted, she became a superb child at home; her and her daughter's native family jointly launched a complex "super guerrilla war" in order to protect the child.

"It should be tied up, the house collapses", "the flow is not flowing, the steak of the house and the cow", this is all the slogans of a child in rural China in the 1990s to the early 1900s.This is not only used to warn villagers, but also the regulations for strict implementation of village cadres.

Chen Li said that in her village, women have to check whether they are pregnant every time every to three months. Once she finds a medical examination or a superb birth, a cadre will go to the superb family for fines.

At that time, the fines stipulated in rural areas at that time were about three times the annual income of superb parents.Chen Li revealed that most of the villagers could not afford huge fines, so more than a dozen cadres came to the door to confiscate the property of the superb villagers' homes and smashed houses from time to time.

Families that cannot repay the fine, the only response is to escape.

Chen Li lowered the volume at the other end of the phone that her daughter's biological parents at that time took away their valuables at home and went to work in other cities. The supervision of foreign migrant workers was relatively loose.After giving birth to a child outside, they found Chen Li and arranged to send their children away.

Chen Li could not return to his hometown after adopting his child, but immediately took the child to another county to take care of Chen Li's mother.

Superborn issues have spawned a group of "black households" under regulatory.Chen Li's daughter had no hukou before the age of five. It was not until the Chen Li family moved to a more loose county town that she officially registered for her daughter.

The sixth national census in 2010 found that China's black households reached 13 million, of which more than six were superborn.After the implementation of the two -child policy in 2016, the Chinese State Council requested decoupled with family planning and other policies with household registration to gradually alleviate the long -tied black households.

Some conservative Chinese families will still be regarded as contraindications

Although the problem of hukou has been resolved, Chen Li still keeps a secret -she has never mentioned it with her daughter. She is a superb child adopted from someone else's house.

Different from international adoption, the superborn who stayed in China and were raised generally adopted the concealed channels such as friends introduced and raised between relatives.In some conservative Chinese families, adoption is considered a taboo topic.

Chen Li said, "My daughter is still studying. I don't want to affect her emotions. Maybe when she is more mature, I will find a chance to tell her her life."

Fined Parents of Superborn asked "rehabilitation"

"Why did you have a child yesterday was illegal? Today, having a child to contribute to the country?"

It is not just a superb child and a family who pays the premiums under the policy of one child. Many families pay all savings and even lose public office in order to leave their children.After the implementation of the two -child and three -child policies in 2015, some families who paid the price of the superborn were on the road to defending their rights.

Lin Feng (47 years old, a pseudonym) originally worked for 14 years in a township unit in Jiangxi. In 2012, his wife was reported to be a superb birth due to the second daughter, and he was fined 120,000 yuan (2nd RMB, 2NGD), which is equivalent to his five -year salary and was fired by the unit.

Receiving this experience 10 years later, Lin Feng is still difficult to hide his anger and helpless at the other end of the phone.For Lin Feng, the fine is only a short pain, and the blow of the public office's crackdown on the family still affects their family.As the news of his superb punishment spread quickly, no one in the towns and towns dared to hire him. He finally got a work in a foreign country and his work was unstable.

After the 2016 two -child policy was fully implemented, the official attitude towards fertility shifted from punishment to encouragement, making Lin Feng's dissatisfaction boil.He has issued a complaint letter to the central government for five years to ask the central government for "rehabilitation". He even went to Beijing and had a signature with a dozen parents who affected by the family planning policy to protest outside the State Council of the Chinese State Council.

Lin Feng's demand is to restore public office and pension.He admits that the possibility of the success of the appeal is extremely low, but he will not give up right protection, to prove that "I was not wrong that year. Like the family who gave birth today, I was a person who contributed to the country."

The social adjustment incident in Guangxi in early July set off the call for the government to "correct errors" for various controversial measures under the policy of one child.

Jiang Quanbao, a professor at the Institute of Population and Development of Xi'an Jiaotong University, believes that the government will attach importance to the demands of the masses, but most of them adopt childrenParents are likely to be unwilling to tell their children their past, and to solve all kinds of leftover problems and need to adopt the cooperation of their parents, there are certain technical difficulties.