Chen Guoji, director of the Hong Kong Department of Government Affairs, said on Saturday (July 30) that the Hong Kong government will fully promote the school's systematic and planned manner to promote national education, including continuous updating and optimizing curriculum, development of teaching resources, strengthening teachers 'training, and training, and training, and strengthening teachers' training.Hold learning activities.

According to Sing Tao Daily, Chen Guoji said in a speech on a special forum that young people are Hong Kong's future, hope and pillars, and shoulder the historical responsibility of the Chinese nation's rejuvenation.Practice is an important part of the historical process.Their national concept.This country's concept is not only in the arms of the country, but it also needs to be implemented, that is, comprehensively and accurately implement the "one country, two systems" policy, and serve the country's prosperity, national rejuvenation, and the happiness of the people.After growing up, he played the director to contribute to the country's needs.

Chen Guoji said that the SAR government will fully promote the school's systematic and planned promotion of national education, including continuous updating and optimizing curriculum, development of teaching resources, strengthening teachers' training, and holding learning activities, so that students can from an early age to allow studentsTo correctly understand national history, appreciate and appreciate the traditional values of Chinese culture, respect national symbols and symbols, understand the importance of constitution, basic law, and national security, and the relationship between mutual mutual relationships, thereby establishing and consolidating national identity.

Chen Guoji also said that the SAR government is making every effort to make a comprehensive blueprint for youth development, in order to cultivate Hong Kong youth through integration, formulation and implementation of interlocking policies and measures.A new generation of professional skills, positive lifelong learning, and positive thinking.