Some netizens report that the mural style of the Beijing Huangchang Metro Station is very strange: the hairstyles of some characters are weird, and a man holds the lady's wallet with orchids to take pictures.The Beijing Metro Customer Service replied on Friday (July 29) that the company already knew that the murals were investigating.

According to the Weibo news of "Sohu Qianli Eyes", some netizens pointed out that the mural is called the market childlike fun, and the author is Wang Yu and Yu Qinyuan.According to the introduction of the online work, the mural describes the old Beijing gathering scene full of folk customs.The cargo Lang and chasing children who trafficking in the picture, the childhood dingling drum and the paper -paste kite, can evoke the infinite reveries of the viewer's memory of childhood.

Introduction also said that the work is like a seven -color rainbow, collecting everyone's memories.The work uses fresh and bright and warm orange, which forms a harmonious and contrasting relationship with the overall purple tone in the station, giving people a refreshing feeling; vivid and exquisite characters are described to give people a warm and delicate picture.

But many netizens are puzzled by the style of mural painting. Some comments have questioned, "Is the poisonous illustration into the subway?""The image", even "there is a '倭 的'.

However, some netizens need to remind the reason that if there is a problem, it will resist, but don't go online easily.