(Tokyo / Beijing Comprehensive) According to Japanese media reports, the two measured vessels of the Chinese Navy passed the sea through Kagoshima, Japan on Thursday (July 28), and another small frigates had previously traveled to and from the waters of the Diaoyu Islands.

According to Kyodo News, the Japanese Defense Provincial Department of Defense and the Ministry of Supervision and Supervisor released a news on Thursday (28th) that the two measured ships of the Chinese Navy passed the Dasao Strait between the Oka Peninsula and the Seed Island on the afternoon of the Chinese Navy.The East China Sea entered the Pacific Ocean.

The Ministry of Defense of Japan said that the two Chinese measuring ships sailed at about 240 kilometers northwest of Kagoshima Prefecture on the 27th at about 9 am on the 27th, and then traveled to the Dama Strait.The measurement ship has the ability to investigate the underwater terrain and sea flow.

Kagoshima Prefecture's offshore is near Yoshima Island and Kouyongliang Island near the Strait of the Strait.

The Ministry of Defense also stated that a small frigates of the Chinese Navy were traveled from the north -south direction between the Okinawa Prefecture in Japan from July 22 to 27 from July 22 to 27.

The Ministry of Defense said that around 5 pm on the 22nd on the 22nd, it went south of about 80 kilometers west of the islands (China known as Diaoyu Islands), and then around 6 pm on the 27th, about 70 west west of the island of Jiange.Killer go north.The Japanese Maritime Self -Defense Force's ships and patrol aircraft have monitored the Chinese frigates.

According to Xinhua News Agency, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense Wu Qian at a press conference on Thursday responded to "the Ministry of Defense of Japan will recently enter the Diaoyu Islands to stay navigable to maintain normalization and monitoring".The Chinese naval ships are completely legitimate in the Diaoyu Islands waters.