China's smartphone market demand is declining.The third -party market research institution Canalys data on Friday (July 29) showed that in the second quarter of this year, the shipping volume of the smartphone market in mainland China was 67.4 million units, a decrease of 10%year -on -year.

According to Surging News, Canalys analysts pointed out that Chinese consumers are suppressing the expenditure of smartphones, although they are expected to be highly noticed in the second quarterDemand, but even the biggest promotional activity, cannot restore the market to the level of the second quarter of 2021.

For the market prospects in the next third and fourth quarters, the report mentioned that it is not optimistic. The annual shipment forecast may eventually be less than 300 million units. This is since 2012The worst performance.

From the perspective of smartphone brands, in the second quarter, vivo returned to the market first with 13.2 million units, and Honor ranked second in the market with 13 million units.The three are OPPO (including OnePlus), with shipments of 11.8 million units, and Xiaomi and Apple ranked fourth and fifth with 10.6 million and 9.9 million units, respectively.

The report pointed out that the best year -on -year growth of Honor and Apple has achieved the best year -on -year growth among top suppliers. Among them, Honor has consolidated the top five positions in just one year.The critical moment of survival.

The report pointed out that in the face of the next market prospects, suppliers inevitably ensure market share and installation foundation as the primary task. At the same time, the relationship between suppliers and channels is important in the market with limited demand.EssenceSuppliers should cooperate with partners in terms of pricing strategy, order cycle, inventory control and sales support, which will directly affect profitability and help the entire industry through the early winter.