When Chinese President Xi Jinping talked with the US President Biden, he warned the United States again on the Taiwan issue that the United States would "be self -immolation."Interviewed scholars analyzed that although Xi Jinping was not for the first time, it was not ruled out that this was a warning to the US House of Representatives Perlis may be visited in Taiwan; and Perlis's movement was unknown, and Beijing also reduced Beijing to release friendship in this call to release friendship.Space space.

Biden and Xi Jinping talked with Xi Jinping on Thursday (July 28). This is the fifth conversation between the two after Biden took office, with a total of 2 hours and 17 minutes.There are still significant differences in the positions of both sides in Taiwan.

According to the bleach of the call background announced by the White House, Biden reiterated in the call to reiterate the United States' policy commitment under the guidance of the United States in the Taiwan Relations Law, the United States and China Three Public News and the guidance of the six guarantees of Taiwan.He also emphasized to Xi Jinping that the United States opposes any party to unilaterally changing the status quo and is committed to maintaining peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

U.S. officials who have a blower said that Biden and Xi Jinping also talked about the differences in the United States and China on the issue of Taiwan, but the two parties have controlled these differences for more than 40 years.important.

However, the official declined to disclose whether Biden and Xi Jinping discussed Perlus's visit in the call.

The Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency reported that Xi Jinping focused on the principle position on the Taiwan issue in the call, emphasizing that "resolutely oppose the" Taiwan independence 'division and external forces interference, and it will never be in any form' ''Taiwan independence 'forces leave any space. "

He also solemnly stated: "Resolutely maintaining China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the firm will of 1.4 billion Chinese people; public opinion cannot be violated, and it will be self -immolation by playing fire. I hope the United States will see this clearly."

In the video talks between the two sides in November 2021, Xi Jinping also issued a warning of "self -immolation".Therefore, Ge Laiyi, director of the Asian Project of the Marshall Foundation in the United States, believes that Xi Jinping's warning has not been upgraded in an interview with Reuters.

However, Wang Zhisheng, Secretary -General of the Taiwan Asia -Pacific Elite Exchange Association of China, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Xi Jinping's wording is strong, and it is not ruled out that it is a warning of Perosi to visit Taiwan.Playing "extremely sensitive characters" in this call.

Huang Kuibo, an associate professor of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the University of Political Science, also mentioned that Beijing will naturally compress the space to release friendly information in this call when Perlis is unable to confirm whether Perosi will visit Taiwan.

However, from the press release released by China and the United States after the call, although the cognition of both parties is different, they are willing to control differences.

The White House issued a statement stating that the dialogue was part of the Bayeng government to maintain and deepen the communication channels of the United States and China in a responsible manner and work together to work together in a responsible manner.

Xinhua News Agency also quoted Xi Jinping in a call that the two parties should maintain communication at all levels, make good use of existing communication channels to promote cooperation between the two parties.

Reuters quoted the new US Security Center researcher Stoks believes that compared with the situation without talks, the two leaders' direct conversation may cool down the situation, but the structural driving factor of tight bilateral relationsIt still exists, and the possibility of Perlis's visit to Taiwan also exists.

Wang Zhisheng also mentioned in an interview that the two sides intend to control the differences, but it is difficult to form a consensus on Taiwan's issues. On the one hand, it highlights the gap between China and the United States for core interests. On the one handIt is difficult to build mutual trust to be able to build face -to -face.