Tianjin Bank Shanghai Branch was fined 7.1 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1.45 million) for 14 illegal and illegal facts, including providing fixed asset loans with insufficient capital projects.

According to the surging news report, the ticket disclosed by the Shanghai Banking and Insurance Bureau on Thursday (July 28) shows that the main facts of illegal illegal and illegal are: September 2016 to September 2021, Tianjin Bank Shanghai BranchThere are 14 violations of laws and regulations.

There are two items involving fixed asset loans: providing fixed asset loans to real estate projects with insufficient capital; fixed asset loan funds have not performed payment management and control in accordance with regulations.

There are four items involving interbank business: interbank business has not implemented specialized management; providing financing for government purchase service projects through interbank investment; illegal investment in interbank investment into land reserve projects;Careful business rules.

Other violations of laws and regulations also include: charges for loans; inconsistent quality prices; passing costs; inaccurate classification of fixed asset loans;Fund demand is issued with liquidity loans; not inspected or supervise the use of loan loans in accordance with regulations; after personal loan loan management, management seriously violated the rules of prudent business.

The administrative penalty decision made by the Shanghai Banking Regulatory Bureau on the Shanghai Branch of Tianjin is ordered to make corrections, and a fine of 7.1 million yuan is fined.

A relevant person in the Shanghai Branch of Tianjin was fined.According to the ticket disclosed by the Shanghai Banking Regulation Bureau, in January and September 2018, Tianjin Bank Shanghai Branch provided fixed asset loans to real estate projects with insufficient capital.From February 2017 to March 2018, Tianjin Bank Shanghai Branch's interbank investment illegal investing in the land reserve project.Yang Jun has a direct responsibility for the above -mentioned violations of laws and regulations.The administrative penalty decision made by the Shanghai Banking Regulation Bureau was warned.

In addition, the Shanghai Banking Regulatory Bureau also issued a ticket to the Shanghai Branch of ICBC on the same day. The main facts of illegal and violations show that the ICBC Shanghai Branch and its branches have the following 10 violations of laws and regulations:From March 2019 to July 2020, a credit loan was issued to the related people; from 2017 to 2020, some services did not match the quality and price; from 2017 to 2020, some loans had loan charges; from August to December 2017,, And some businesses have passed the cost; from 2017 to 2019, some charging service content records are incomplete; in January 2019, wealth management funds illegally used to pay land models, and use management seriously violated the rules of prudent business; from 2016 to 2018, violations of regulations, violations of regulations,Provide government financing; from 2017 to 2020, some personal loans are illegal for restrictions; from 2013 to 2019, some mergers and acquisitions of loans seriously violated the rules of prudent business; from May to July 2020, illegal agents were sold.

The administrative penalty decision made by the Shanghai Banking Regulation Bureau was ordered to make corrections and fined a total of 13.1 million yuan.

In addition, there is a relevant responsibility who receives the ticket.Specifically, in January 2019, ICBC Shanghai Branch's wealth management funds illegally used to pay land funds, and the management of use management seriously violated the rules of prudential business.Zheng Biyou is responsible for direct management of the above behavior.The administrative penalty decision made by the Shanghai Banking Regulation Bureau was warned.