(Beijing Comprehensive News) China Shenzhou No. 14 Aerospace Commissioner entered the questioning compartment on Monday (July 25). This is the first time that Chinese astronauts have entered the scientific experimental cabin on the orbit, marking the China Tiangong Space Station"Building in orbit" has entered a new stage.

According to CCTV news reports, after entering the questioning cabin of the Shenzhou 14th astronaut, after entering the questioning compartment of the sky, it will carry out the combination of combination and control, small robotic arm crawling, and combination of large and small arm combinations.Sky Meeting Gate Cars and Small Robotic Armor are carried out in the cabin.

The Long March 5 of the Wentian Experimental Curring Locked Rockets, which was launched on Sunday (July 24) at the Wenchang Aerospace launcher in Hainan.At 3:13 on Monday, the experimental cabin was connected to the front port of the sky and the core cabin. The entire delivery process lasted about 13 hours; at 10:03, the Shenzhou No. 14 astronauts took the interview compartment door.

Ask the Sky Experimental Cels is the first scientific experimental cabin of China Space Station, providing a larger platform for space science experiments and applications.In the working cabin of Tian, it is equipped with eight experimental cabinets, which can support space life science research in the future, as well as some corresponding gravity science experiments; the experimental cabin also has a aerospace staff sleep area and health area.

Shenzhou No. 14 manned spacecraft launched on June 5 this this June this this this this time. The three astronauts equipped with the three astronauts will work in space for six months. During this periodThe experimental cabin is built for the basic structure of Tiangong Space Station to build the Chinese National Space Lab.Among them, I asked the experimental compartment mainly for the research science research of space, and the Mengtian experimental cabin mainly faces micro -gravity scientific research.