After the "crying" highway changes to the Xinjiang Internet Red Duku Highway, the surge in tourists has caused the Duku Highway to become a "garbage highway".Many netizens reported that they saw garbage everywhere in Xinjiang's Duku Highway, especially in parking areas, rest stations and other places. Food bags and plastic bottles are everywhere.not"Xinjiang Duku Highway Change Garbage Highway", "Xinjiang Mavericks to eat the garbage lost by tourists" on Sunday (July 24) on Weibo Search."Sichuan Observation" Weibo video screen shows that the grassland garbage on the road and the roadside is piled up, and the tourists interviewed directly shouting "can't be picked up at all."Some tourists have noticed that nearby cattle and sheep will eat garbage bags when they eat grass.notXinjiang tourism is hot. Ctrip data shows that from July 5th to 12th, Xinjiang's summer order volume increased by 30%last week, over 25%compared to the same period in 2019, and the hotel's order volume increased by 70%last week.Xinjiang's ticket prices topped the list in all parts of China, reaching 1610 yuan (RMB, about S $ 331).notThe road of self -driving tour in Xinjiang, Duku Highway connects many well -known scenic spots such as Nalati, Bayin Brook Swan Lake, Tianshan Grand Canyon, which is known as "the most beautiful road in the country".notAfter the surge in tourists, garbage on both sides of the highway arbitrarily discarded, causing pollution in the tourism environment.notThe Beijing News reported on July 19 that Xu Zhi, director of the Tourism Bureau of the Kanas Scenic Area in Xinjiang, said that in the face of the peak of tourism, the scenic spot adopted an online appointment to purchase tickets to try its best to control the number of tourists.notThe scenic spot added many logo signs to protect the ecological environment last year, reminding tourists not to step on the grass field at will, do not sleep in the field in the scenic area, and publicize through the official website and Douyin.notInterface News reported that on July 25, 2021, He Jiaolong, deputy director of the Xinjiang Yili Prefecture Cultural and Tourism Bureau, interacted with netizens in the live broadcast room that the amount of garbage in the Duku Highway was very large.Protect the natural environment of Xinjiang.