Minister of Communications and News, Singapore, said that Singapore Port Group and Chongqing Port and Logistics Office have begun cooperation to verify the feasibility of Xinyu's transportation data exchange.Once successful, this initiative will ensure that the cargo and the owner can query the status of the cargo more efficiently and achieve more flexible supply chain management.

The Fourth China Western Western International Investment and Trade Fair (Western Conference) was unveiled on Friday (July 22) in Chongqing.At the International Cooperation Forum of the "International Land -Sea Trade" international cooperation forum under the interconnection demonstration project, the above statements were made when delivering a speech.

The above forums are co -organized by the Ministry of Commerce of China, the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Singapore, and the Chongqing Municipal People's Government. They jointly discuss the new mission of the Luhai New Channel, and provide new ideas and inject new momentum into the in -depth promotion of the international cooperation of the Luhai New Channel.

According to a statement issued by the official website of the Ministry of Trade and Industry of China, Yang Liming pointed out that visualization is a key part of the toughness of the supply chain. The Luhai New Channel uses digital tools to enhance the visibility of the end of the end, allowing enterprises to perceive and actively respond to bottlenecks in advance.

She also said that interconnection is the core of supply chain toughness.As a multi -type transportation economic channel, the Luhai New Channel has strengthened the toughness of the supply chain by connecting Southeast Asia and western China, providing network reliability, and promoting digitalization and transparency of trade.

Yang Liming emphasized that for enterprises, the reliability of the logistics network is very important, especially when encountering a crisis.During the epidemic period, the land and sea ports along the land and sea new channels remained unobstructed to ensure that the supply of food and important materials was uninterrupted.As a result, the new Luhai channel has also become a feasible choice for the international trade channel.

She said that when other countries reorganize the supply chain and re -evaluate the trade network, Xinyu cooperated closely with other partners to promote the supply of basic necessities such as food and other partners.Business processing ability.

Yang Liming said in a concluding speech that the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding last month, strengthened cooperation in the digital economy field of both parties, and explored new pilots along the new channel of the land and sea, such as the "Tradetrust" framework to simplify the cargo and shipperThe process of digital trade documents exchange and verification on the trade financing platform.

After the pilot is successful, it will promote digitalization of trade, realize cross -border, cross -digital platforms, and exchange safely and seamlessly.