The Japanese government published defense white paper on Friday (July 22), mentioning issues such as Taiwan -related, Hong Kong, and Xinjiang, and said that the development of Chinese military forces and the lack of transparency in military activities.A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Japan responded that the defense white paper continued the wrong position so far, the tone was negative and negative, and the Chinese side maliciously discredited accusations, and the Chinese internal affairs were rudely interfered.

According to the official website of the Chinese embassy in Japan, a spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Japan said that the so -called "Chinese threat" of the defense white paper seriously violates the basic criteria of international relations and the spirit of the four political documents of China and Japan.China has strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition.

The spokesman emphasized that Taiwan, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong affairs are purely Chinese internal affairs and cannot tolerate any external interference.Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory. The issue of Taiwan is related to the political foundation of China -Japan relations and the basic faith between the two countries.China urged the Japanese to abide by the spirit of the four political documents of China and Japan on the issue of Taiwan and the promise made so far.

The spokesman also emphasized that the position of mainland China on the sea -related issue is consistent and clear, and the hat that changes the status quo with strength cannot deduct the Chinese side.China firmly protects territorial sovereignty and marine rights, and is committed to properly handling differences through negotiations.The Japanese side in the East China Sea's right -wing nourishment and attracting the fields of the domain. The same day, the beautiful guy and so on showing off the force in the South China Sea is the biggest challenge for regional peace and stability.The Japanese side should stop creating incidents and provoking controversy on the issue of sea -related issues.

As for the conflict of Russia and Ukraine, the position of mainland China on the Ukrainian issue is objective and fair, acting brightly, and always starts from the right and wrong of the matter itself, adheres to fairness and justice, strives to persuade and talk, oppose the contradictions, exert its contradictions, exert its play, exert its play, exert its play, exert its play, exert its performance, exert its play, exert its performance, exert its play, exert its play, exert its play, exert its play, exert its play, exert its performance, exert the contradictions, exert its performance, exert its performance, exert its performance, exert its performance, play its play, play the play, play their contradictions.Constructive role.

The spokesman said that for a period of time, the Japanese side insisted on manipulating the issue of China -related issues and frequently used the normal military construction of mainland China.Expansion and loosening, get rid of the post -war restraint to find excuses.It is hoped that Japan will learn from historical lessons, adhere to peaceful development, do cautiously in the field of military security, and do more things that are conducive to maintaining peace and stability in the region, instead of taking a change in neighbors.

In the defense white paper released by the Japanese government, China, Russia, and North Korea were listed as the main security threat to Japan.The white paper refers to Russia's "serious violations of international law" by Russia's attack on Ukraine, which opened a precedent for resolving disputes with force and threatened Japan's neighbors of Taiwan.