In the 1990s, Guilin Quanzhou County took the superb child to carry out the "social adjustment". This week, Chinese public opinion has been detonated.

I have heard of job adjustments, examination adjustments, and capital adjustments before. Even people can "adjust" or have just -born babies. Many people are shocked by this.

What is the "social adjustment"?Is it an accidental case or a more serious question?

Children are taken away "No records"

Comprehensive Beijing News and Fujian Daily reported that a "letter and visit matters for the Health and Health Bureau of the Quanzhou County County will not be accepted.The notice "Tuesday (July 5) spread on the Internet.The documents show that on June 28th, the provision of the provisions of the Quanzhou County Letters and Calls will be "required to investigate the case of children and others suspected of trafficking in children, and ask the public security organs to file a case for investigation" and transfer it to the Quanzhou County Health and Health Bureau for handling.

The petition couple Deng Zhensheng and Tang Yueying have four sons and three daughters.Deng Xiaochang's sister said that in August 1990, several people and other people at the then man of the Township Studios of Anhe Township, Quanzhou County took away their younger brothers from her mother's arms, and Deng Xiaochen's whereabouts have never been clear.

The Jeonju County Health and Health Bureau said in a notification from Deng Zhensheng and Tang Yueying that according to the severe situation of family planning work in the 1990s, strictly implemented the "control of the population of population and improving the quality of the population" in the 1990s.Policies choose a "social adjustment" among children who violate family planning laws and regulations and policies.

The notice also stated that in order to facilitate and promote the development of the county's family planning work, at that time, the overside child where the social adjustment was unified by the county, "no record is left", so "Our bureau to you to youThe proposed letters and visits will not be accepted. "

OnlineThe "letters and visits issues will not be accepted" issued by the Health and Health Bureau of Quanzhou County to the husband and wife Deng Zhensheng and Tang Yueying.(Internet)

This document caused public opinion uproar. Some netizens questioned, "What is the difference between this and the trafficking?" Faced with the public opinion, the relevant working group of Guilin City formed a joint working group to conduct investigations in Quanzhou County.At present, the Director of the Health and Health Bureau of Quanzhou County and the deputy director of the management have been suspended and inspected.

"Social Tunes" under the Family Planning Assessment Index

Judging from the notification of the Quanzhou County Health and Health Bureau, in the 1990s, in response to the "family planning workThe "social adjustment" adopted by severe situation is not an example.

In fact, not only in Guangxi, but also similar incidents in other provinces in China.

The China Youth Daily published a report that was published in May 2014, which was "adjusted" for 23 years. It tells the story of the girls named Xie Xianmei's Dazhou City of Sichuan Province looking for biological parents.

China Youth Daily reported in 2014, it talked aboutThe story of the girl named Xie Xianmei looking for biological parents in Dazhou City, Sichuan Province.(China Youth Daily)

After several twists and turns, after using parent -child identification to find the biological mother, Xie Xianmei stunned the experience of the year through the memories of many mothers, adoptive father, and family planning office.

Similar to the incident in Guangxi, because the biological parents could not afford a fine, Xie Xianmei was taken away by the people in the planning office of the Nanwai Town, and later it was spent 200 yuan (about 42 of about 42 (about 42Xinyuan) "Raising fee" took home from the Family Planning Office to support it.It was in 1991 that Xie Yun sold both pigs at home, and then made up the money that was not small at that time.

Xie Yun still remembers that in the countryside of Dazhou that year, family planning was "tight."There are also special rooms in the Family Planning Office. Those women who hid and have children will be found by the family planning office if they go home.

According to the People's Daily Online, on May 12, 1991, the decision on strengthening the strict control of the family planning work was released.Decision requires that we must do a good job of family planning work and completion of the population plan as an important indicator of party committees, governments, and leading cadres at all levels.

For the matter of the year, Li Benyou, the original director of the Nanwai Town Family Planning Office, told Xie Xianmei: "I couldn't help it at that time.Industry chain?

If the Family Planning Office of Nanwai Town, the Sichuan Dazhou Dazhou is charged a fine fine, and the support fee is "conventional operation", the matter of Shaoyang City, Hunan Province is even more amazing.

Caixin New Century Magazine reported on the cover published in May 2011 and reported that Shao's "abandoned children" had caused a huge sensation.

The so -called Shao's "abandoned children" refers to infants and young children who forcibly took them away by the local family planning department in Longhui County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province.The children of these more than 10 peasants were sent to the Shaoyang Welfare Institute, and they changed their surnames "Shao". Most of them were sent to foreign -related adoption channels.

According to Caixin reports, the Dean of the Welfare Institute of Shaoyang City confirmed that from 2002 to 2005, a total of 13 babies were sent in the Civil Affairs Office and Family Planning Office of Gaoping Town, Longhui County.A person familiar with the matter told the media that every time a infant and young children were sent to the welfare home, family planning cadres could get 1,000 yuan or even higher.In foreign -related adoption channels, every adoption of Chinese orphans, foreign adopted families usually need to pay $ 3,000.

After the report was published, the local government started a joint investigation.Five months later, the results of the investigation were released: there is no business in buying and selling.The investigation team also said that most infants involved were abandoned infants.This is very different from the statement of visiting a number of villagers.

After many years, the truth of Shao's "abandoning children" is still shrouded in the clouds, but children who have grown up overseas have returned to Shaoyang to find relatives.The local villagers who had lost their twin daughters Zeng Qiandong, with the help of the American media, found a daughter who had been 17 years old. The family finally spent a complete Spring Festival in Shaoyang's house in 2019.In the report of the report, Yang Libing, with the help of volunteers, learned that her daughter may be adopted by a family in Illinois, the United States, but the clues ended here.

The sister of the twin twin daughterAfter being taken away, it was adopted by an American family.The picture shows the photos of her sister Zeng Shuangjie who lived in the United States after holding her sister and was taken away.(

The "one -child policy"

family planning that has been implemented for many years is China's population control policy, and there are different regulations in different historical periods.The "one -child policy" that people are most familiar with have been gradually implemented nationwide in 1979.At that time, in order to control the population growth momentum, only ordinary families gave birth to a childLater, China used this as a basic national policy.

In terms of specific measures, there are super -student fines, forced ligation, etc., and the local family planning office is responsible.In actual operation, out of the pressure or interest driver above, some more cruel means.

Many people may remember the family planning slogans of the year: "It is better to flow into a river, not allowed to give birth to one", "should be tied up, the house collapses the house", "evading out today, tomorrow's propertyThere is no "...... These slogans are not just intimidation. In reality, there are indeed families who have broken or even died because of superb problems.

The" one -child "period in ChinaFamily planning slogans.(Internet)

After entering the Internet era, the most impressive may be the "seven -month fetal induction labor" incident.In June 2012, Feng Jianmei, a second -child Shaanxi woman, had a fine of the baby girl in the abdomen because she was unable to pay a fine.The news was shocked at the time and was widely reported by overseas media.

This time, the "social adjustment" superb infant incident in Guangxi, the historical issues of the "one -fetchization" era have attracted public attention again.

With the sharp decline in China's population growth and deepening aging, China's family planning policy in recent years has also changed a lot.In November 2013, one of the couples began to implement one of the couples as the only child to have two children, commonly known as "two children alone"; in January 2016, the scope of childbirth can be expanded to all families; in May 2021, in May 2021, in May 2021, in May 2021, in May 2021, in May 2021,The family planning policy is further relaxed, allowing a family to have three children, that is, the current "three -child policy".

with the sharp decrease in population growth and agingThe extent deepened, and China's family planning policy in recent years has also been significantly relaxed.(Agence France -Presse)

Underworld and history cannot be ignored

For the "social adjustment" infant incident in Guangxi, the Economic Observation News published on the 5th of Zhao Hong, a professor at the University of China and Law,Commenting articles have criticized the local government from the rule of law and humanity.The article believes that the method of "social adjustment" uniformly carrying the super -born children has far exceeded the limit of illegal disposal of the property of super -living households, food and other property.The child is cruelly taken away from his parents and transferred to others like items, which not only challenges the basic moral man, but also constitutes a crime.Whether it is an official or a specific executive who will make the superb child, at least it constitutes the crime of abuse of power in the criminal law, the crime of abduction of children, or even the crime of trafficking.

The Beijing News also published a signature of Ding Hui's commentator article pointed out that even if the incident was generated by family planning, children could not disappear out of thin air. There must always be a whereabouts.How cruel it is to separate parents and children, as a local government department responsible for this matter, it is necessary to correct errors in time.

The article writes that children are not products, not resources that can be arranged by others, but a lively life.The term "adjustment" challenges people's common sense and trample on the bottom line of social morality.In terms of individual life, relevant departments must be treated carefully, and it is by no means a "unified arrangement of social adjustments" and "no records".

Hu Xijin, the former editor -in -chief of Global Times, talked about the overall historical evaluation of family planning.He wrote that family planning was a population revolution under cognitive conditions at that time, and the process must be accompanied by the disrespect and pain of some individuals and families.Today, people are very close to that population revolution, and has produced a very complicated retrospective evaluation, including humanitarian sighs and anxiety caused by the rapid aging population.It is believed that the evaluation of that population revolution will continue for many years and many generations in the future, and eventually produce a relatively stable historical perspective.

He also pointed out that objectively speaking, some old problems have become sad reality, and may not be completely changed, but if the attitudes of grass -roots officials on those issues are not proper, they can often build people to see those things.The new perspective has the power to detonate public emotions.

The development of Chinese society to this day, the public's awareness of population and human rights issues is very different from the past.A basic national policy that has been implemented for decades, of course, there will be a overall evaluation of history, but it must not ignore the suffering and scars of each family and individual.Tragedy has become a fact, but it is still important to face and remedy.Because a society's attitude towards individual life and history often determines what the overall appearance and future it will have.