The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Aquatic Products is estimated that the local high-end grape "SHINE-MUSCAT" is brought into China through informal channels, causing a loss of at least 10 billion yen (about S $ 103 million) each year.

According to the Nikkei Chinese website, due to epidemic prevention, the grapes of this variety could not be exported to China, but they were taken out of Japan after 2016.As of 2020, the calculation value shows that China's cultivation area has reached 30 times that of Japan.

"Sunshine Rose" was registered in 2006 by the Japanese agricultural and food industry comprehensive research institutions.It took 18 years from the beginning test to the registration, and 13 researchers participated.

The statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Aqua, and Aquatic Products show that if Chinese growers buy seedlings from regular channels, Japan is expected to charge more than 10 billion yen per year.

Japan's excellent agricultural products have been highly evaluated overseas, hoping to obtain seedlings through regular channels, the voices of seedlings are also increasing.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Aquatic Products of Japan, at the end of May, established a seminar on agricultural product intellectual property management, which was composed of lawyers and agricultural groups familiar with intellectual property in the agricultural field to strive to establish agricultural intellectual property protection in 2023 to protect intellectual property protection in 2023.Management group.

This will also be monitoring of the outflow path, such as experts familiar with intellectual property rights, and support from the high risk of outflow from development to registered.