The Chinese stock market rebounded in June, and the best performance in one and a half years since the year and a half is one of the few highlights of the global stock market defeat.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Ishares MSCI China ETF (MCHI) rose 7.8%last month, and KRANESHARES CSI China InterNet ETF (KWeb), which has a larger weight of software and service equity, jumped up 12%, and the standards standardThe 8.4%decline of the general 500 index forms a sharp contrast.According to the data of Lufutelba, the two largest Chinese stock exchange trading funds each managed more than 8 billion US dollars (the same, about 11.2 billion yuan) assets, and totaling the total assets of 31 billion U.S. dollars in such fundsmore than half.Both funds attracted more than $ 1 billion in funds in June.

The Chinese stock market is bottomed in mid -March.Earlier, the regulatory rectification operations, the concerns of Chinese stocks from the US exchanges, and the crown -controlling measures that suppressed demand to create a risk environment. Some people think that this environment is "inappropriate to invest". Affected by this, the Chinese stock market is in the Chinese stock market.For a year, it fell again and again, and the market value evaporated about half.Not long ago, Liu He, Vice Premier of the Chinese State Council, delivered a good market speech, which relieved investors' concerns. Since then, the Chinese stock market has rebounded.

Brendan Ahern, the chief investor of the Wall Street Journal, said the demand for ETF reflects the transformation of investors' attitudes towards China.

"Confidence in China was very sluggish", Evergie said."Foreign investors who have previously seen Chinese stocks are starting to amend their views."

The dawn of the trend of China's stock market has also appeared in the new near trade.U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen and Liu He discussed the topic of US tariffs on the United States during the call on Tuesday. It is expected that President Biden may cancel the Trump administration's import tariffs on Chinese goods.

However, Chinese stocks may not be suitable for those investors who avoid risks.Strategas Securities technical analyst and ETF strategist Todd Sohn said that in the past year, China's Internet stocks have almost twice the S & P 500 index.

Todd said: "From the perspective of volatility in the Chinese market, it is difficult to adopt the strategy of" buying and holding ';> Todd also said: "China is one of the few regions that are relaxing (policy) in the world. We will quickly judge whether this will bring more negative impacts. Involved in these areas, it will be involved in these areas.Investment, you need to have a very strong mental perseverance. "

Most countries in the world are tightening monetary policy and converging fiscal stimulus measures.In contrast, China has always maintained a loose policy to try to prevent the economy from slowing down.

When the U.S.'s high -level inflation rate forced the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates since 1994, the People's Bank of China set a record in May in May.China also promises to take a series of tax refund and tax reduction measures to achieve the grand goal of 5.5%of the previously set up.LPR is the benchmark for making other loan interest rates.

With the launch of currency and fiscal easing, China has begun to relax the supervision of consumers and enterprises.

The Chinese government has settled in the strict level of dynamic zero -epidemic prevention policies, including ending Shanghai's global seal control and shortening the entry isolation time by half.This change in epidemic prevention is expected to stimulate domestic demand, including leading economic activities to achieve its first expansion since February in June.

The Chinese regulatory agency approved the release of dozens of new games in early June. This is the second time that the game release has been approved in the past few years to support domestic technology stocks.This policy transformation promoted China's Internet stocks to three -month highs. Video and game companies Bilibili rose 20%, and Alibaba rose 10%, which reflects the impact of regulatory relaxation on the market.

"Many challenges facing the Chinese stock market have weakened. Now there are some favorable factors, especially for the Chinese Internet field," Erheng said."Investors want to go down the mountain, don't want to go up the mountain."