On August 27, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, a seizure decision of the Binjiang Branch of the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau was circulated on the Internet.According to media reports, the staff of the Binjiang Branch said that the "iron head punish evil and promote good" has been arrested.

The seizure decision of the Binjiang Branch of the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau of Hangzhou City showed that Dong, male, born in 1987, is addressing in a community in Binjiang District, Hangzhou.The bureau found the following property in Guo Moumou, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, Zhejiang Hangzhou City. The documents can be used to prove that the suspect is guilty or innocent.The supermarket card marked "100".

On August 27th, a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News (reported WeChat: XXCBCSP) asked the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Binjiang Public Security Branch to verify the matter. The staff said that the criminal investigation brigade of the bureau has been involved and will be announced when it can be announced.

The staff of the Changhe Police Station told Xiaoxiang Morning News reporters that the case on the "iron head" is being dealt with, and the specific details are not convenient to disclose.Whether it is "extortion" needs to be verified.

Since then, a staff member of the People's Procuratorate of Binjiang District told reporters that the case has not yet been transferred to the Procuratorate."It is suspected of extortion. There are no clues in this case. If we come, we will definitely intervene in advance, and there will be some censorship arrest cases."

In March 2023, the iron head began to release short videos related to "counterfeit", involving the chaos in the Sanya seafood market, the Golden Jade Lucky Crac, and the elderly health products scams, and accumulated millions of fans.

In August 2023, the iron head reported the new Oriental's illegal re -classes.In November of that year, the iron hair text stated that the Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau of Gongshu District, Hangzhou City, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province had punished it for the new oriental discipline category.

In October 2023, the iron head also issued a preview video saying that it would be selected from the oriental selection.

In this regard, the East selection responded: "Recently, a network anchor fakes the name of" fake ", distorting the facts, malicious 'protection of rights', and publishing a large number of discredited Oriental selection, seriously infringing the company's reputation, bringing consumers to bring the majority of consumers to bring the majority of consumersIt is troubled that we have published a lawyer's letter and will take necessary measures to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests.

In January 2024, the "Iron Head" exploded its own yellow experience during the live broadcast at 1:30 in the morning, causing netizens to report and resist.

In February, the accounts of the iron head on many platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, Weibo, etc. were banned.

Source | Xiaoxiang Morning News

Reporter | Zhou Lingru