Xiong Jijun, deputy governor of Shanxi Province, 53 years old,, Xiong Jijun, deputy governor of Shanxi Province, Xiong Jijun, Xiong Jijun, Xiong Jijun, deputy governor of Shanxi Province, Xiong Jijun, Xiong Jijun, Xiong Jijun, deputy governor of Shanxi Province, Xiong Jijun, Xiong Jijun, Xiong Jijun, deputy governor of Shanxi Province, Xiong Jijun, Xiong Jijun, Xiong Jijun, deputy governor of Shanxi Province.The deputy minister of China and the Ministry of Information Technology will be the deputy minister of China.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China posted the above -mentioned personnel news on the official website on Monday (August 19).

Public news shows that Xiong Jijun is a member of the Hubei Lishui, a postgraduate, a doctor of engineering, and a member of the China Democratic Promotion Association, one of the Chinese Democratic Party.He was former deputy governor of Shanxi Province, member of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Central Committee and chairman of Shanxi Province.

Xiong Jijun has worked in Shanxi for a long time, and has successively served as lecturers, associate professors, professors, professors, deans of the School of Electronics and Computer Science and Technology, Deputy President of the School of Electronics and Computer ScienceThe mayor of the district (job), the dean of Luliang College, etc., served as the president of Central North University in August 2020, and in January 2023, he served as the deputy governor of Shanxi Province.Essence

In the field of scientific research, Xiong Jijun's main research direction is the micro -none sensor and system.He has hosted more than 20 projects of the "973" project, "863" project, key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and more than 20 national key R & D special projects; more than 50 SCI includes more than 50 academic papers, authorized more than 40 national invention patents, and published in three works.Essence

He has served as the principal Central North University. It is a double co -construction of the Shanxi Provincial People's Government and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Shanxi Provincial People's Government and the National Defense Science and Technology Bureau.Multi -subject teaching and research university.