Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Minister of the Central United Front Work of the Central Committee will attend the "Global Overseas Chinese to Promote China's Peaceful Unity Meeting" in Hong Kong and give a speech.

Hong Kong media pointed out that Shi Taifeng's trip was to visit Hong Kong for 9 years.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily and Radio of Hong Kong reported that the conference was hosted by the Hong Kong Association of the China Peaceful and Unified Promotion Association.The press conference announced that the theme of the conference was "unswervingly promoting China's peaceful unity and committed to achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao, the China United Nations Office, the main leaders and global representatives of the National Security Office, etc., will have about 1,200 people participating in the event.

Shi Taifeng, who is also deputy leader of the leading group of the Central Hong Kong and Macau Working Group, wrote an article earlier this month in the People's Daily that the focus of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese affairs is to strive for people's hearts, and emphasize that they must adhere to and improve the system of one country, two systems., Firmly implement the principles of governing the country and the patriotic people, develop and strengthen the power of patriotism and love, Hong Kong, and Australia, and form a broader domestic and foreign unified front.

Shi Taifeng arrived in Macau last Saturday (August 17) for a two -day investigation. Macao News Agency announced on Monday that Shi Taifeng met with Macau Chief Executive He Yicheng during the visit to Australia.model.