During the first US campaign in 2006, Tim Waltz plans to speak at a fundraising dinner in Minsuda, Minnesota, Minnesota.At that time, he was still an unknown in American politics, and his opponent was a current member of the sixth session. The competition between the two sides was fierce.The dinner gave him a chance to give a lecture in the local constituency of Democracy -Farmers -Labor Party in Minnesota, and at the same time, he also had the opportunity to increase his campaign funds.

There is only one problem: Walz's throat is inflamed.

When the guests filled the plates, they were surprised to see that another person stepped onto the podium: Waltz's wife Gwwin Waltz.

She is used to speaking in front of everyone: Like her husband, Walz has been a teacher in public schools for more than ten years.Her self -confidence and clear expression left a deep impression on the audience.

"There were other candidates who gave a speech at the time, and she was the most good of them," said John Kham in North Mancato, saying that he participated in the fundraising event nearly 20 years ago."We looked at each other and said,‘ Why do n’t she run? ’"

Last week, at a rally held in Philadelphia, USA, Governor Tim Waltz and US Vice President He Jinli attended the side by side. This is also the first time that most American publicly looked at him carefully.On the same day, He Jinli announced Walz as her campaign partner.At the end of his speech, the people across the country also carefully met his 30 years of marriage with him for the first time.

While Genwin Waltz is on the national stage, the critics of the American right -wing are trying to depict her as a left -wing radical -just as they do to her husband -in George FloAfter Id's death, I supported the civil strife in the state.But in her home for most of her life, her friends and political observers described her as a person with a calm mind and super ability, and her husband was famous for his intuitive and charming political style.

"We have always been partnership," 58 -year -old Gwen Waltz said last month in self -improved podcasts, if IF it works, and later she also said, "We are still the most each other.Intimate Consultation "

Gwen Waltz did not comment on this article.

Gwwin Waltz is the first governor spouse in Minnesota, Minnesota, the capital of the state. She often provides suggestions for her husband and uses her platform to promote policy initiative. The most important of which is to provide prisoners with universitiesDegree course.

A whole

"Tim has a goge," said in the palace.He and Waltz have worked in the Mankato School for more than ten years.

Gwwin Waltz grew up in an agricultural town in Ivanho, Minnesota, which is only 15 minutes drive from the eastern border of South Dakota.Her parents are all teachers, and they are the boss among the four sisters. According to her youngest sister Heidi Alman, she takes the role of the caregiver at home.

Gwwin Waltz went to college near his hometown: After giving a degree from the Gustavus Adovs College of Small Liberal Arts and Sciences in southern Minnesota, WaltzMoved to Andlian City in Nebraska in the United States to teach English.

There, she met Tim Waltz, who taught the ninth grade geography in the same school.In the first date, Waltz took her to see the story of Michael Douglas's 1993 film city hero, telling the story of an indignant white man in Los Angeles.In a close -up of the Star Forum Newspaper 2019, Gwin Waltz said that she later rejected Tim Walz's kiss, and Tim Walz replied, "It doesn't matter, but you should know, I will marry you "

In the second year, they got married and soon moved back to Minnesota to work in Mankatosi High School. She taught English and he taught society to study.

In the minds of students, the Waltz couple is a whole, so that the two of them have a certain name: Waltz Family School.

The previous students remembered that Gwin Waltz had high demands, but fairly.According to several students she had taught, Walz asked everyone to record courses in a laptop encoded in colored codes, including classic works such as Walden Lake, our town and Biovov.

Nicole Green Sevich, a 41 -year -old, was a student of Gwinwin Walz. She remembered that she had complained to Gwin Walz that her score was stricter than Titim Walz.many.

"‘ I ca n’t jump around like my husband, jumping around like an Easter rabbit to play a, ’” Griene Sevich recalled Gwinwin Walz at the time.

Students still remember Gwen Waltz made LGBTQ students and ethnic minorities very comfortable.(Tim Walz is a teacher consultant of the school and the founder of the school's homosexual -heterosexual alliance.)

"Before the tolerance environment was really an important thing, they cultivated a tolerance environment; before the" tolerance culture 'really became a word, it created a tolerance culture, "41 years oldAnji Bruner said.She was a student of Gwen Waltz and was one of the few Korean American students in the western Mankato college.

major change

In 2004, Gwen Walz stopped teaching and became an assessment coordinator of the Mankato school district. This job has always been elected by her husband in 2018.Tim Walz is a matter of 2006 for the US Congress.

The children of the two were born after seven years of birth treatment. The Waltiz couple, who was only three years old, was uneasy about the process of the Iraq war.

"We ask ourselves, what can we do?" Genwin Waltz said in the podcast.She said that a rational approach is to allow her husband to run for the US Congress."We feel that the way to stop war is to stop funds, and the stop of funds must pass through the US Congress."

Gwwin Waltz did not closely participate in Tim Waltz's daily political work.Political spouses are very common in their favorite careers or policies.(He Jinli's husband and the second gentleman Doug Emhoff had a office in Eisenhower's administrative office building and participated in the policy of the Bayeng government on expanding legal aid channels.)

But Waltz has deepened more than most people. As the first lady of Minnesota, she spent time on a policy agenda that she has been passionate for many years.In 2012, Walz introduced her to the Pad Prison initiative when it launched a newly -welcomed project for Parliament's spouse.The project was established in 1999 and provided university education for prisoners in New York State in the United States, allowing them to obtain a degree from Bad College.

After becoming governor in 2019, Waltz went to the state to inspect the state, and later helped recruit Bud prisonThe national project director of the initiative came to the state's punishment department to serve as a special position, which greatly expanded the university course in the Minnesota prison.

But the forward -looking policy promoted as the governor's spouse was not unpopular.

In May 2019, at a forum organized by the Gemini City Public Television to promote the PBS documentary on Pad Prison, Waltz and other members of other groups seemed to be unprepared to discuss the race of the criminal judicial system.The atmosphere became tense.Subsequently, the Governor's Office asked the TV station not to spread videos about the forum, which made embarrassing discussions worse.Gemini Public TV deleted this video, but insisted that this was not forced by the pressure of the governor's office.(A employee of Waltz later told Minnesota Public Broadcasting Station that the hidden video is "excessive reaction".)

Recently, after her husband was nominated by Vice President of the United States, in an interview with a television station in Gemini City, George Freud was talked aboutTherefore, it is criticized by the right -wing people.She said that during the civil strife, she kept the window of the governor's residence so that she could smell the flavor of tires on the street -this is the way she understands the tension of the city.

"I opened the window for a long time, because I think this can directly feel what happened at the time," she also said.