The Taiwan Central Election Commission announced that Keelung Mayor Xie Guoliang's dismissal case will be established and will vote on October 13.

The Taiwan Election Association announced on Friday (August 16) on the official website. On the day of the election meeting, a meeting meeting was held to review the case of Xie Guoliang, the 19th mayor of Keelung City through Dai Yian.At the same time, the case is determined that the case will be held from 8 am on October 13th to 4 pm.

The Chinese Election Association stated that the total number of Elections of the 19th mayor election area in Keelung City was 3,7913, and the number of legal partners should be more than 30,792.There are 43,137 signs proposed by the removal case. After investigation, the number of people is 36,909, and the number of people is 6,228 in accordance with the specified number of people. The number of legal partners has reached the number of people.

According to Zhongtian News Network, the Kuomintang responded to the announcement of the China Election Conference on the day, saying that the DPP actively intervened and promoted the dismissal case.And even the citizen of bullies, the Kuomintang, is a deep regret for this.

The Kuomintang said in the press release that in the face of the "Federation of the National Team" in the Green Camp, the Kuomintang called on Keelung citizens to be kind and anti -removal.future.

The Kuomintang said that after taking office, Xie Guoliang worked hard to work hard to work hard, and the property of the citizens of Keelung's citizens was not invaded by the consortium. I believe most citizens would not agree with the removal.

The Kuomintang pointed out that the relationship between the mayor of Keelung this time was seriously related. The DPP planned to launch a big dismissal next year.Call on Keelung citizens to invest in different votes to stop malicious dismissal.

According to the Taiwan United Daily, Xie Guoliang said on Friday when the city council responded to the dismissal case that the dismissal case was obviously used as a tool for re -election, and believed that this style was not long.Xie Guoliang hopes that Taiwan will not have such a wave of dispels. His dismissal will be the last.