In the past, Zhou Hongyi is undoubtedly a "walking traffic package".Whether it is the car show climbing to the roof, auction of Maybach, and participating in the test drive Xiaopeng Huitian's flight car, or just participated in the happiness forward two days ago, the uncle of the red clothes brushed the sense of existence on the social network.

On August 14, Zhou Hongyi appeared on the hot search again. This time, he resigned as the chairman of Qifu Technology.

On the morning of August 14, the latest financial report released by Qifu Technology showed that in the second quarter of this year, the company achieved a total net income of 4.16 billion yuan, an increase of 6.28%year -on -year; net profit was 1.377 billion yuan, an increase of 25.9%year -on -year;Ordinary shareholders should account for 1.381 billion yuan in net profit, an increase of 25.8%year -on -year.

In the first half of this year, Qifu Technology achieved a total net income of 8.313 billion yuan, an increase of 10.64%year -on -year; net profit was 2.536 billion yuan, an increase of 25.38%year -on -year; the company's general shareholders should account for 2.545 billion yuan, an increase of 25.26%year -on -year increased by 25.26%Essence

With the release of the financial report, Qifu Technology also announced that Zhou Hongyi resigned as the company's director and chairman of the board of directors for personal reasons. The board of directors has approved the appointment of Zhao Fan as the chairman of the board of directors, and approved Liu Xiangge as an independent director of the board of directors. It will take effect from August 13, 2024.

Resume shows that Zhao Fan received a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Beijing University of Construction Engineering in 1982; in 2002, he received a master's degree in business management from Lawrence University of Science and Technology in 2002; from 1990 to 1993, he was a visiting scholar at Copenhagen University in Denmark 3 from 1990 to 1993.Year.

Zhao Fan founded Beijing Maple Leaf Fanida Investment Consultant Co., Ltd. in 2000, and was the chairman of the company.Since 2004, he has served as a director of Beijing Haizi Manpi Piano Co., Ltd.From 2002 to 2018, he founded Sunbridge International Holdings Limited and served as the company's chairman.Since January 2023, he is an independent director of technology.

Dahecai Cube reporter learned that Qifu Technology was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in November 2022.The company is an artificial intelligence -driven credit technology service platform that provides financial technology services through intelligent services, AI research and applications, security technology, etc. As of the afternoon closing on August 14, Qifu Technology rose 5.06%, with a market value of HK $ 27.1 billion.

The official website shows that in 2023, the 360 ​​Division was renamed Qifu Technology, and this year, it upgraded its product 360 debit app into Qifu.

As of June 30, 2024, Qifu Technology has accumulated a total of 160 financial institution partners. The cumulative users with a credit amount have 53.6 million people, an increase of 47.4 million people from June 30, 2023.13.0%; as of June 30, 2024, a total of 32 million borrowers (including repeated borrowers) who had successfully withdrawn a total of withdrawal, an increase of 12.3%from 28.5 million people in June 30, 2023.