Jiudu Journalist Tang Jiayan

Recently, the resume of Wang Jiawei, a 28 -year -old "deputy office" cadre, has been widely questioned.The resume on the Internet states that Wang Jiawei has worked at the Office of the China Investment Association.On August 13, the staff of the association's office confirmed to Jimu Journalists that never heard that a person named Wang Jiawei worked here.

Extreme news previously reported that Wang Jiawei resume showed that Wang Jiawei, male, born in 1996 in Hulunbuir Arong Banner, Inner Mongolia, graduated from Qiqihar Vocational College. In July 2024, he servedAssistant and Deputy Director (Deputy Division) of the Dean of the Institute of Research.In response, a staff member of the magazine affiliated by the hospital told Jimu Journalists that after investigation, Wang Jiawei was not a staff member of the magazine agency, and "there was no such person at all."

8月11日,中国战略新兴产业杂志社刊发严正声明称,近期,中国战略新兴产业杂志社收到社会方面举报,称王家伟其人,打着战The name of the assistant dean of the Court is seeking illegal interests.This move not only seriously damaged the goodwill of the magazine agency and the War of War, but also suspected of criminal criminal crimes.

The resume of Jimu Journalist Network also mentioned that Wang Jiawei worked at the Office of the China Investment Association in March 2022.According to public information, the China Investment Association is a national social group registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China and has the qualifications of community legal persons. It is a comprehensive community organization in the field of investment and construction in China.

On the afternoon of the 13th, the staff of the Chinese Investment Association Office confirmed to Jimu Journalist that never heard that a person named Wang Jiawei worked here. He was neither in the book list, but alsoNever admit.In addition, the China Investment Association is a social group and has no preparation.

Network Wang Jiawei Resume (Figure Source Network)

Jimu Journalists have a media reported on July 31st: "A few days ago, at the invitation of the Arong Banner of the Arong Banner of the Hulunbuir City Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, ...Director (Deputy Division) Wang Jiawei and other teams of experts conducted in -depth investigations on the development of the sea buckthorn industry in Arong Banner.At that time, there was a person Wang Jiawei when he was receiving. At that time, he was as a driver. The relevant reports were not published by A Rongqi, and it was fabricated by other places.

(Source: Polar News)