(Hanoi Comprehensive News) Vietnam Sulin reportedly visited China next week, which was the first visit after he was recommended as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam in early August.

Reuters on Monday (August 12) quoted two Vietnamese officials and a D such Dharison of Vietnamese. Su Lin plans to arrive in China on Sunday (August 18).He will meet with Chinese officials and other officials in a two -day visit.

China -Vietnam officials have not officially announced the visit, and neither foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not responded to Reuters' comment requests.

Reuters reported that China and Vietnam occasionally conflict on the South China Sea issue, but the economic and trade between the two countries' economic and tradeThe relationship is quite mature. After Su Lin took over as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, he chose China to show the close relationship between the two neighboring countries.

After Ruan Fuzhong died in mid -July, 67 -year -old Su Lin was elected as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam on August 3.It is also in the congratulatory message that he is willing to "lead the construction of the China -Vietnam Destiny Community in the" leading China -Vietnam's destiny community, to promote traditional friendship, consolidate political mutual trust, deepen strategic communication, promote pragmatic cooperation, and bring more people to the people of the two countries."

The Diplomat (The Diplomat) pointed out on Tuesday (August 13) that Sulin's choice of China as the first foreign visit is not surprising.China is the first country to establish a comprehensive strategic partnership with Vietnam (2008), and the new General Secretary of the New Communist Party usually use China as the first foreign visit country.

In the context of Vietnam's increasingly diversified diplomatic relations, Su Lin's visit to China will reiterate from Chinese leaders to Hanoi to China Yuezhong VietnamThe emphasis on relations also shows that Vietnam will not pose a threat to China.