Three informed officials said that the highest leader of Vietnam Su Lin will visit China next week. This is his first visit after he was recommended as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam in early August.

Reuters on Monday (August 12) quoted the above official reports that although the two countries occasionThe first visit after the General Secretary chose China, showing the close relationship between the two neighboring countries.

People familiar with the matter said that Su Lin plans to arrive in China on Sunday (August 18).According to two Vietnamese officials and one of the Duties in Hannem, Su Lin will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping and other officials during the two days of visiting China.China and Vietnam have not officially announced the visit, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the two countries has not responded to the request.

Due to the serious illness of the former General Secretary of the Vietnam Communist Party, Su Lin was on the post of temporary general secretary on July 18. After Ruan Fuzhong's death, 67 -year -old Su Lin was elected on August 3secretary.

Xi Jinping, also the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, said in a congratulatory message to Su Lin that he was willing to "lead the construction of the Chinese and Vietnamese community in the" leadership of the China -Vietnam's destiny.Strategic communication, promote pragmatic cooperation, and bring more well -being to the people of the two countries. "

After serving as the President of Vietnam in May this year, Su Lin visited Laos and Cambodia in accordance with the previous practice, and also met with Russian President Putin, who visited Hanoi in June.He talked with Putin as General Secretary of the Vietnam last week.