Yang Runxiong, director of the Hong Kong Cultural and Sports and Tourism Administration, said in an interview that he hopes to implement the visit to Hong Kong within this month.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Radio and Sing Tao Daily reported that Yang Runxiong said on Saturday (August 10) on Hong Kong and Taiwan programs that it is still discussing the visit to Hong Kong in the Paris Olympic Games in the mainland.Inside.

After talking about the Paris Olympic Games Women's Sword Personal Champion Jiang Yan, after announced his retirement, he will join the Jockey Club on Sunday (11th) as an assistant manager of foreign affairs.One day, Jiang Yan has participated in the three Olympic Games and has also been injured, so she absolutely supports and respects her choices.

He said that the Jockey Club is a good employer. He hoped that Jiang Yan could give full play to the director after joining, and contributed the society through the Jockey Club.

Yang Runxiong said that the outstanding performance of the Hong Kong team in the Paris Olympics fully shows that Hong Kong has the ability to cultivate outstanding athletes and strive for good results on the world stage.

He pointed out that the government's resources and policy directions that the government has put in sports in the past five to 10 years has been correct, including promoting sports development from the three directions of elite, event, and popularization.Taking the sword strike as an example, the athletes who have won medals in this year have participated in the two to three Olympic Games, reflecting that the cultivation of elite athletes must be invested for a long time.

Yang Runxiong believes that in recent years, parents' attitudes towards their children's participation in full -time sports have changed, and it has something to do with the government's assistance to elite athletes after retiring.

Hong Kong media previously quoted sources that the Chinese Olympic delegation will visit Hong Kong at the end of this month, including a number of gold medal athletes.The citizens of Hong Kong will have the opportunity to have close contact with them at the Elizabe Stadium in Wan Chai and Victoria Park.

The Chinese Olympic delegation visited Hong Kong after the Olympic Games began in the 1988 Shouli Olympic Games.After that, each Olympic Games sent personnel to Hong Kong to communicate with the citizens, and it has never stopped.