On February 1 this year, the executive vice chairman of the trade union in Hunan was exposed to the indecent chat, which aroused widespread concern in society.On August 6, Mr. Yang, a man who posted for the first time. He said that after the incident, his entire life and mental state were greatly affected and have been taking sleep disorders.The reporter learned from the local government department that Li Moumou, the female cadre involved in the incident, has been removed from office and does not know the whereabouts.Mr. Yang revealed that Li Moumou had resigned.

Posting men: private information is exposed and many shocks

It is reported that in February this year, many female cadres have indecent chats on the Internet, accused of being a indecent chat screenshot of Li Moumou, director of the Commercial Bureau of Yuhua District, Changsha, Hunan.According to media reports, Li Moumou previously served as the director of the Changsha Yuhua District Commerce Bureau. He was exempted from the post of director on April 27, 2023. He was later secretary and executive vice chairman of the party group of the Yuhua District Federation.

Recently, Mr. Yang, a postman, contacted the journalists of Da Anhui and showed his living conditions after posting.

Mr. Yang said that in May and June of this year after the incident, information such as his family address, phone number, photos, ID numbers, and other information were sent to the Internet. "After receiving various harassment calls, and strangers at night, strangers went to my house to knock on the door, and even my friend and friend's family were also called to harass and threatened. "Mr. Yang said.

About the circulation of the "Changsha Cadre Cadre Chat Record Incident" on the Internet, Li Moping, the woman in the "Changsha Cadres' Indetermous Chat Record Incident", clarified Mr. YangThe bureau blackmails her, but I am not, I did not extort her. "Mr. Yang told Da Anhui journalist that the female cadre Li Moumou was his former aunt," I have not received a point from the red envelope from the New Year to the New Year.Qian, Li Mouping had been transferred twice, and I returned it at the time.

The exposed chat history

Department: Women's cadres do not know where they go after being dismissed

On the morning of August 9th, the reporter from Dahui contacted Li Moumou, the Federation of Yuhua District, Changsha City. After verifying the identity of the journalist of Dahui, the staff said that Li Mouping had been removed from office.I am not working in the Yuhua District Federation of Trade Unions. "I don't know what she is doing now. Everything is listening to the arrangement of the organization." Later, a reporter from Daosan contacted the Organization Department of the Yuhua District Committee of Changsha City.After being removed from office, she didn't understand her whereabouts. "I don't know her current situation." Mr. Yang introduced that shortly after being removed from office, he resigned.

Yu Jia, a journalist in Da Anhui, Yu Tong

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