There was a medical error accident in Hong Kong Hospital. A girl suddenly occurred in the wound of a head wound in Renji Hospital.Lu Chongmao, director of Hong Kong Medical and Health, has instructed the Hospital Administration to review the management system of public hospitals by the end of September.

Comprehensive reports of Hong Kong Orange News, Dongwang and Hong Kong 01, in May this year, a four -year -old girl's home fell and injured the head wounds at Renji Hospital.When the girl is sutured, the non -medical personnel will assist the head by the non -medical personnel. The girls then stop their heart arrest, lose their consciousness and pulse, and will not be rescued until 18 minutes.

The president of the Hong Kong Hospital Management Bureau apologized after Gao Poqi.He explained to the media on Monday (July 15) that the official has completed the girl's genetic examination, and the results are negative, which means that no girl itself has any condition that causes this.

I was asked if the incident involved human factors, and the high increase theory said that the police are still investigating the incident, and the Hospital Authority will cooperate with all the possibilities. The two employees involved have beenSet from clinical work.

In response to the recent medical mistakes, Lu Chongmao said at the Legislative Council meeting on Wednesday (July 17) that the Hospital Authority has been actively followed up with individual accidents, review reasons, and adopted improvement measures.Comprehensive independent review of public hospital management systemic and structural issues.

He requested that the review of the Medical Management Bureau must be completed by the end of September and made suggestions to the Hospital Administration Conference.The Hospital Authority will consider the suggestions of the committee and submit a report to the Medical Bureau.

According to the documents submitted to the Legislative Council on Friday (July 12) of the Hospital Administration, from the fourth quarter of 2023 to the first quarter of 2024, a total of 17 medical risk warning incidents occurred in Hong Kong hospitals.And 42 important risk events, with a total of 59 medical accidents.