A few days ago, President Biden just said that only "all -around God" allowed him to withdraw from the election. At a press conference on Thursday night, he outlined a scene that was not so nihile:His consultants need to prove to him that he would lose this time.

But when he leaned over to the microphone and stressed in a low say, he stressed that he refused to obey, Biden made it clear that he did not think they could do it.

"No one said that," he said."No poll says."

He seemed to start the possibility of choosing another solution first, and then rejected it immediately.Of course, "others can also defeat Trump," he said, but it is too difficult to "start from scratch".

The first press conference of the president after debate, in general, shows his ability, although his performance is not encouraging.However, whether this is enough to stop the losses of the supporters of the Democratic Party, it is unknown that such a loss may develop into major bleeding.A few minutes after he walked down the stage, the Democratic members of the Democratic Party still stood up and asked him to withdraw.

"I believe I am the most qualified to govern," Biden said, for decades, he has been using the voice of the opponent to promote his victory in defeat."I think I am the most chance to win."

This one -hour press conference is related, and basically has not been arranged in advance -this is the first time that Bayon has appeared for the first time after the defense performance has caused a sharp deterioration of the campaign situation.Earlier, the people around him began to talk about how to persuade him to withdraw. His campaign team made a survey and wanted to test how much opportunities to test Vice President Kamara Harris, but Bayon claimed that he would not reach that step.

Thursday, Biden repeatedly expressed his increasingly dissatisfaction with those who were hired by him.It is difficult to blame.

This is the first press conference in Biden this year. At the end of the press conference, it seems that Republicans are more satisfied with Democrats for his stable performance.EssenceMany people in the Democratic Party are worried that from now until November, every time Bayeng's appearance is arranged in advance, it will be nervous.

"We are not facing a Democratic Party, but a question of Joe Biden," Pitt Ji'an Greeko, a candidate for President Barak Obama, said that he was worried that Biden could not convey an abilityCamina's message from former President Trump."He can't give the medicine that can cure diseases, because what everyone cares about is always what he has happened."

The Republican strategist David Biryski, a Republican strategist, who had participated in the presidential campaign -the governor of Florida Last year -Republican strategist, said that Democrats were "trapped in the mud."

"They now have a president, but they cannot obtain re -election, or even prove to the public that he can effectively complete his work," he said. "But the severity of the situation is obviously not enough to promote the Democratic Party's power.He. "

Some Democrats hoped that he could have a role model before the former Speaking of Nanxi Pelosi -she had made a decision for a few days, and expressed sharply that he still needs to make a decision -the same time as the old man who is the old man.She gave way to the next generation of leaders according to her rhythm.

Biden quickly refuted the problem of aging degradation in the party.When the reporter suggested that he had admitted that he was facing limitation at the age of 81, and he seemed to refute incredible: "I admit that I have limitations?"

However, although he disagreed about the report he needed to go to bed earlier, he confirmed that he really needed more rest."For me, a more wise approach is to slow down the pace," he is talking about a job that rarely has a chance to rest.

He tried to beautify his age into an advantage, and used the allies to prepare the preparations he had published in the debate.

"The only role of age is to help you -if you pay attention to observation, it will bring a little wisdom," Biden said.

The problem after debate is that everyone is paying close attention to each other's unclear and errors to enlarge each of his teeth.

This press conference is far from flawless.There was a mistake in Biden's first answer. He said "Vice President Trump" instead of Vice President Kamara Harris.He stumbled more than once."Listen, everyone, this is -um, no matter what," he said.

But he also insisted on his own point of view, and easily talked about complex foreign affairs -the conflict between Gaza and China -Russia -no intermittently in the debate two weeks ago.Such a degree of fluency has at least made the current president who still wants to run.

Bayon is proud of his achievements, and even some unquestionable meaning.A few days after condemning the "elites" to oppose him, Biden also cited the elites, including the Nobel Prize winner, praised him."Find me an economist who says we do not do well, a mainstream economist," he said.

"What should I say so that it sounds good for myself?" Biden asked loudly.

His words have just fallen, and there are backwards.

The Democratic Party leader of the House Intelligence Commission and the member of Connecticut, Gim Hims, became the latest member who called for Biden to step down.He said: "We must choose the strongest candidate.

Soon, California's Representative Scott Peters and Illinois members of Eric Sauren also joined his ranks and became the 18th democratic Democratic party who called for Biden to withdraw from the campaign.

Bynden said at a press conference and his campaign team in an earlier memo on Thursday that he should now put down the debate and unite to support him.They said that the campaign strategy has rarely changed, and this campaign may still be a referendum for Trump and what he may do in the second term.

"The most reliable method for helping Donald Trump is to discuss our nomination process at his conference, rather than the" restoring the great glory of the United States' in the debut of Milwaukee. "Chairman Jennifer Omar Dillon and campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez signed a memorandum.

Press conferences have formed a strange two -party consistency in social media, and Republicans and White House assistants are celebrating the performance of Biden -although the reason is very different.

"Joe Biden is outstanding. The rolling is coming." Richard Graine, who hopes to become the Secretary of State, wrote in a ironic post.

"Tonight, President Biden showed a lot of knowledge. He attracted attention and outstanding ability," said Chris Cusenus, a senator from Bayiden's hometown."No one is more capable of leading our country than Joe Biden."

Democrats asked Biden to do more things to appease the public -about three -quarters of people think he is too old to effectively complete the president's work -his next test is to accept NBC news on Monday on MondayOpposite Leicester Holt's interview, this interview will be held at the same time with the Republican National Congress on the first night.

The last three words that Biden said on Thursday largely revealed the situation where people have overdoed him over the past two weeks, and he called on people to start paying attention to his opponents.

"Listen to him," Biden said when talking about Trump.