Sun Dong, director of the Hong Kong Innovation Technology and Industry Bureau, said that the Hong Kong version of the Hong Kong version of the Hong Kong version last year will be promoted to all government departments this year.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Radio Hong Kong reported that Sun Dong said on a radio program on Saturday (July 13) that last year, the Hong Kong version of the Hong Kong R & D platform developed by Innohk Innovation Hong Kong was namedDocument auxiliary system.

He revealed that the Chuang Science and Technology Bureau had started trial last month. At present, the adaptation process is progressing smoothly, and the system will gradually expand the system to other policy bureaus. The goal is to promote it to all government departments this year to all government departments.In the end, it will definitely be used to the society across Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Government is setting up an artificial intelligence supercomputing center in the digital port, which can be opened as soon as the second half of this year.Sun Dong said that the Hong Kong Government's budget this year appropriation 3 billion Hong Kong dollars (about S $ 515 million) established an artificial intelligence ecosystem. It is hoped that through the artificial intelligence supercomputing center of the digital port, it will provide support for the Hong Kong industry., University scientific research team and artificial intelligence development company benefited.

When asked if the center's charging level will be higher than that of the neighboring region, Sun Dong responded that the center charges will refer to the charging standards in other regions. Although it may be slightly higher than the mainland,The remaining cost and expenditure will be subsidized by the Hong Kong Government.