Liu Jianchao, Minister of the CPC Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee, said in the Tehran and the main political party leader of the Iranian party federation in the Tehran that China attaches importance to the important influence of Iraqi in the Middle East affairs.

According to the website of the Ministry of the United States, the meeting was held on December 5, local time.Former Vice President Marah, Baldi, General Secretary of the Young Construction Party, has participated in more than 50 people including Robhhhumini, Member of the Central Committee of the Justice Party, and Democratic Party Secretary Bali.

Liu Jianchao said that the friendship between China and Iran has a long history.Under the strategic leadership of the two heads of state, China -Iranian and Iran have become more closely interacting from the government to political parties, from the central government, from the central government, from political economic and trade trade to humanistic tourism.

He said that the exchanges of political parties play an important role in the development of state relations and help promote political mutual trust, conceptual learning, pragmatic cooperation and public opinion cooperation.Next year will be the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese government with the Iraqi Party Federation. It is hoped that the two parties will strengthen their political mutual trust and the experience of governing the country and governing the country.

Liu Jianchao said that China is willing to promote the "political party+" cooperation model with the Iranian side, and promote pragmatic cooperation in the fields of economic, trade, energy, infrastructure, transportation, agriculture, health, and co -construction of the "Belt and Road".

He said that China attaches great importance to the important impact of Iran's affairs in the Middle East affairs, support the Iraqi side to play its own role in maintaining the peace and stability of the region, and firmly defend international fairness and justice.

According to the website of the Ministry of the United States, the chairman of the Iranian Federation Hashma Titan said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Iran and China, bilateral relations have maintained a stable development.The leaders of the two sides have successfully met many times, leading the relationship between the two countries to continue to make new progress.Iran will not forget that China will help support for the development of Iraq.

He also said that the Iranian party highly appreciated the proposal of the Chinese side proposed to stop the war with the Harbin -stop war, arguing that China will play an important role in solving the Harbin Trump, and is willing to cooperate with China under the framework of the United Nations to jointly respond to crisis challenges.