The latest information on the column of "Leaders" in the official website of the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute shows that Ji Zhengju has served as deputy dean of the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute and the director of the Central Compilation Bureau.

Ji Zhengju (Data Map Source: Published Wuwei)

According to the public resume, Ji Zhengju was born in May 1968. has served as deputy director of the Central Compilation Bureau and deputy editor -in -chief of the Economic Daily. The official website of the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute introduced that Ji Zhengju was the "four batch" talents in the national propaganda cultural system. High -level talent special support plan philosophy and social science leaders enjoys special government allowances of the State Council.He is an expert in the National Social Science Fund Discipline Review Team and a member of the National Teaching Materials Professional Committee. Ji Zhengju has long been engaged in the research work in the basic theory of Marxism, the history of international communist movement, and the history of socialism, the history of Marxist development, the party's construction, and socialism with Chinese characteristics. Published Lenin Biography State -Contemporary National Political Security Theory of Political Security Contemporary World and Socialist Frontier Academic Dialogue in the Chinese Communist Party Democratic theory and Practice Research.Theoretical research and construction projects.Publicly published more than a hundred theoretical articles, more than 30 articles reprinted by Xinhua Diger's Copy Newspapers, etc., and two works won the China News Award.Earlier, Chai Fangguo was the deputy dean of the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute and the director of the Central Compilation Bureau.According to the official website, the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute is a specialized institution of the party's history and theoretical research. On March 21, 2018, the reform plan of deepening the party and state institutions issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out that party history and literature work is an important part of the party's cause.Status and role.In order to strengthen the party's history and theoretical research, coordinate the research of party history, literature editing, and work compile resources, build a comprehensive system of theoretical research, promote the combination of the theoretical research and the party's practice, and create a high -end high -end history and theoretical research research.The platform, integrates the responsibilities of the Central Party History Research Office, the Central Document Research Office and the Central Compilation Bureau, form the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute to retain the Central Compilation Bureau brand.