According to the news of the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on November 30: A few days ago, the Harbin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Harbin Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission of Heilongjiang Province conducted an investigation and investigation of the serious violations of disciplinary violations of the former deputy secretary of the Harbin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the former deputy director of the Municipal Supervision Commission.

Han Shikun

After investigation, Han Shikun violated political discipline, engaged in feudal superstition activities, and confronted organizational review; violated the spirit and integrity discipline of the eight central regulations, and received gift cards and consumer cards that could affect fair execution of official duties;It is not as good as reporting; violating work discipline, inquire about the case , apply for a work permit in violation of regulations; violate national laws and regulations, fake and hold and use ID cards;Convenient conditions, through the acts of staff of other countries, seek benefits and receive property for others, and are suspected of taking bribes.

Han Shikun as a leading cadre of party members and served in the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs for a long time, lost faith, is not loyal to the party and is not honest; ignore the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, accept gifts and consumer cards in violation of regulations;Law enforcement of law, greedy, and accepting bribes, which seriously damaged the image of the party's cause and disciplinary inspection and supervision cadre.Its behavior has seriously violated discipline and laws and is suspected of bribery crimes. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 19th National Congress, or even the 20th National Congress, he still does not stop, does not converge, does not know, has serious nature, has a bad nature, and should be dealt with seriously. In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on Disciplinary Disciplinary Regulations of the Communist Party of China, the People's Republic of China Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China Public Officials' Public Officer Government Affairs Law, etc., was studied and reported to the Harbin Municipal Party Committee for approval by the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Harbin and decided to give Han Shikun to the party.The Municipal Supervision Commission gave it to the expedition to public office; it was collected by the disciplinary and illegal income; it was transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution, and the property involved was transferred.

On May 5 this year, Han Shikun was investigated.

The official resume shows that Han Shikun was born in May 1966, Harbin, Heilongjiang, joined the Communist Party of China in December 1986, and joined the work in August 1987. He graduated from the Economic Management of the Harbin Economic Management Cadre College and graduated from a university degree.

He has been working in Harbin.

In September 2011, Han Shikun transferred to work in the disciplinary inspection and supervision system.In August 2021, he was the deputy secretary -general of the Harbin Municipal Government and was investigated.

On the same day, several disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres were dealt with.

According to the news of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: He Jiang, the head of the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the first -level inspector, is suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently acceptingDisciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

According to the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection: Ming Jun, deputy leader of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee Inspection Team is suspected of serious disciplinary violations, and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

According to the news of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Zhao Guangjiong, former member of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Discipline Inspection Commission and former member of the Party Committee of the Mongolian Commercial Bank was expelled from the party and public office.After investigation, Zhao Guangjiong was a party member and leading cadre of the disciplinary inspection and supervision system, lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his duties and mission, unfaithfulness to the party, confronting organizational review ;Tourism, physical examination and other activities, receiving gifts and gifts; indifferent organizational concepts, illegally obtaining benefits for others in organizing personnel, not to explain the problem when organizing letters;Large rewards; willful use of rights, and dispose of problems assigned by superiors in violation of regulations ; conspiracy to personal, use the convenience conditions formed by duty convenience and authority status to make benefits for others in organizing personnel, engineering contracting, and business operations., Illegally accepting huge property.