Hebei Daily Client News, on November 30, the sixth session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress of Hebei Province passed the voting, and decided to appoint Zhao Dachun as the deputy governor of the Hebei Provincial People's Government.

Earlier reports showed that Zhao Dachun has been a member of the party group of the Hebei Provincial Government.Before serving as Hebei, he was the deputy general manager of China Mobile Communications Group.

Zhao Dachun (Data Map Source: Peking University People's Hospital)

Public information shows that Zhao Dachun was born in October 1970 and was from Taizhou, Jiangsu.In 1989, he entered the Department of Radio Engineering, the Department of Radio Engineering of Southeast University, and studied a bachelor's degree in engineering in 1993; he received a master's degree in business management in business management in Nanjing University in 2009.

He was the general manager of Jiangsu Mobile Market Management Department, chairman and general manager of China Mobile Shaanxi Company, and chairman and general manager of China Mobile Sichuan Company.

In January 2019, Zhao Dachun served as Deputy General Manager and Member of the Party Group of China Mobile Communications Group . LaterCommunication technology and IoT business.