Security inspection in our city is excessively popular.Except for airport security checks, it is definitely one of the strictests in the world. Chinese railway stations and subway stations have set up security checks.In addition, there are many security guards, and there are safety officers on buses in many cities.In addition, there are many isolation fences in Chinese cities. Some squares need to brush their ID cards in and out. When entering some universities, they have to register or even make an appointment.

This is a huge waste of resources.In particular, in the past ten years, Chinese social governance has made great progress, and major security risks, such as Xinjiang violence has been fundamentally curbed, social welfare and other fair construction. For example, poverty alleviation has also made great achievements.Essence

In the case of being more and more secure in society, security inspections, security teams' retrograde expansion, and institutions are unpredictable.Of course, the general setting of security inspections in the field of public transportation will indeed increase the sense of security of some people. Some people will also be happy to see the popularity of security inspection on the traffic lines of the subway, but it must be pointed out that the actual safety income and huge payment of this is the huge payment.If it is not proportional, the excessive increase in security check also exacerbates the loss of some urban subways.The experience of the world is that it is not a good way to improve the safety of public transportation by increasing security inspection alone. This is a major issue for comprehensive social governance.Our society should not further guide the public's unrealistic expectations of "more security inspection and security". An obvious situation is that the subway stations in most countries in the world are not set up security inspections, and the subway in the Indian capital New Delhi also has security inspections, but its security and security also have their security and security, but their laws and security are also in law, but their laws and security are also in law, but their laws and security are also found.The potential risks of the situation and the occurrence of terrorist attacks are completely the same as China.

In some areas of India to enter the mall also require security checks

The bad guys in China can obviously cannot say that more places in the world are more places, let alone our social security is worse.China's crime rate, especially the vicious crime rate is much lower than that of major Western countries such as the United States, and in a relatively secure society, weaving more psychological and comfortable security networks, its effect will inevitably be a bit deformed.

Some people say that more security checks and cards are set up everywhere to promote employment.If you really think so, you will undoubtedly follow the "employment evil road".

I am afraid that the psychological excessive spread of "fear of accidents" and "fear of responsibility" is still due to the fact that it has formed the social security fields from all over the world, comparison, and inexplicable formalist norms.Maintaining stability must be effective and realistic. Now the country and society are good. How to enter the subway railway station, those security inspections must tell us that they are experiencing a very unsafe world.Intersection

It is recommended that the state engage in a special rectification, remove unnecessary security inspections and security guards, and remove the fences set by too many settings in the city, and cancel the reservation system of many places.Our society needs necessary tolerance. If grassroots governance also pursues absolute security, it will destroy the immunity of society and make the collective psychology fragile. This will not have a little benefit for the country in the long run.