(Washington French Xindian) Political Risk Consulting Company Eurasian Group's annual report pointed out that no matter who was elected President of the United States, the US presidential election in 2024 will bring the biggest political risk to the world.Essence

Eurasia Group reported on Monday (January 8) that the election on November 5 "will allow American democracy to face the test that American democracy has never experienced in 150 years."The report refers to the civil war 150 years ago.

The report said that this is because the United States is already the world's most severe advanced industrial democratic country with the most severe division and functional disorders. No matter who won in the end, the election at the end of the year will increase this problem.

The report pointed out: "The result of the voting is essentially throwing a coin (at least currently). The only determination is that the American social structure, political institutions and international status will continue to be damaged."

Trump's defeat may incite extensive intimidation activities

The report said that if the Republican leader Trump now loses to President Biden again, the real estate tycoon may once again accuse the election of large -scale fraud and incite the "extensive intimidation activities for election officials and staff"" ".

The report states that although large -scale violence incidents are still unlikely, if Trump is imprisoned because of one of the many cases he faces, the United States in the second term of Biden may also face the "unprecedented political crisis",

Biden regarded his campaign as a struggle to save democracy and fight against Trump.Trump's supporters attacked the US Congress Building on January 6, 2021, in order to prevent the election results from wins.

If the election is defeated, Biden is expected to confess.However, the Eurasian Group pointed out that many Democrats would also think that Trump was illegal, and some people would refuse to confirm his victory that the Constitution banned anyone from "participating in the rebellion".

Former US President Trump participated in the campaign in Clinton, Aiwa on January 6.(Reuters)

At the same time, it is expected that Trump, the second term, will "weapons" the US government to pursue competitors and target disagreements.

The Middle East violence is the second largest global risk

Eurasian Group listed the violence of the Middle East as the second largest global risk, and believed that the war between Israel and Hamas "may be only the first stage of conflict between 2024."

The third risk is Ukraine.Kiev tried to recapture the remaining areas occupied by Russia, Eurasian Group predicted that Ukraine would actually fall into division in 2024.


Report pointed out that if Trump is elected as the President of the United States, Ukraine will face another major blow because Trump opposes the United States to provide billions of dollars to Kiev.