The peace -friendly treaty concluded by China and Japan in 1978 Forty -five years on Saturday (August 12), most Japanese media pointed out that the contradictions between China and Japan have increased and the commemorative activities are held in a low -key manner.However, Nikkei News exclusively reported that the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishi is pondering whether it can be held in September in September.

The official judgment of Japan is that the Chinese government also has this. Beijing will use the time to commemorate the Sino -Japanese Peace and Friendship Treaty to reverse the deadlock of Sino -Japanese relations and attract Japanese companies to invest in China.

The China -Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty indicates that "the two parties promise to develop a long -lasting peace -friendly relationship in the future". According to the news of the Japanese news, China and Japan must seize this commemorative timing and try to restore the Sino -Japanese leader dialogue mechanism.

Nikkei News reported that the plan to Japan is to first let Kishida talk to Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang first in early September, and try to fight for the fastest group (G20) summit in New Delhi, India, arrange Kishida and Chinese officials as soon as possiblemeeting.Japanese officials also believe that the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit held in the United States in November is also an opportunity.

Nikkei pointed out that China is likely to change its attitude towards Japan due to economic development.Due to insufficient consumption in China, the hope of economic recovery after the crown disease may fail.China may use the "China -Japan Peace Friendship Treaty" to conclude commemorative activities to promote Sino -Japanese diplomacy and improve relations.

Refer to the American approach to keep dialogue with China

Nikkei News pointed out that Japan is a reference to the American approach and hopes to maintain a dialogue with China.Although the US Biden government is tough for China, such as strict restrictions on exporting sensitive technology to China, the Bayeon government also has measures to maintain relationships. For example, Secretary of State Blint and Treasury Minister Yellem and other senior officials have recently visited China.

In addition, the Nikkei News believes that if the Sino -Japanese Summit will be held, the Kishida Association proposes to prevent conflicts around China and Japan at the conference.The report said that East Asian countries, including Japan, were warned with China's actions in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

Nikkei revealed that Japan knows that there are many disputes between the two countries. Even if the two parties hold talks, there may not be specific results.At present, China's biggest dissatisfaction with Japan is Taiwan.A few days ago, the Vice President of the Liberal Democratic Party visited Taiwan and publicly made remarks such as "preparation of war", which made some diplomats sweat coldly.

In addition, , the official estimation will cause this action to cause China Powerful Blind .The Nikkei said that China ’s treatment of Fukushima’ s treatment water was “polluted water” and resolutely opposed this measure.Recently, measures to resist Japan's seafood have also been adopted, which does not rule out that China will put pressure on Japan during the talks.