(United Nations Reuters) Reuters has obtained an unpublished United Nations report that North Korea continues to develop nuclear weapons and production nuclear fission materials in 2023, and avoids the sanctions sacrificed by the United Nations to cut off the funds for cutting off Pyongyang nuclear weapons and ballistic missile planning funds.Essence

This report written and submitted to the United Nations Security Council said that North Korea's capital innovation has reached 1.7 billion US dollars (about S $ 2.3 billion) last year by North Korea.Cryptocurrencies and other financial exchanges around the world are successful for theft and success.

UN observer said that the hacker who worked for the General Administration of Investigation of the North Korea "continues to use the increasingly advanced network technology to steal funds and information", "companies in the field of cryptocurrencies, defense, energy and health are their main attack targets", "North Korea has also continued to enter the international financial system and engage in illegal financial activities. "

The UN Security Council passed the resolution in 2017 to prohibit North Korea from exporting coal, hoping to cut off the source of funds for the development of Nuclear military in Pyongyang.However, the observer reported that North Korea continued to export coal illegally and adopted a series of measures to avoid sanctions, including illegally transporting refined petroleum products from ships to North Korea.North Korea also violated sanctions and purchased 14 ships.

Although most of North Korea's border is still closed, the trade volume increases


Report wrote: "Although most North Korea's border is still closed, the trade volume has increased, mainly because railway traffic has been restored. A variety of foreign goods have been recovered quickly."

Observer revealed that they continue to investigate luxury goods illegally exported to North Korea, as well as North Korea's suspected export military communication equipment and ammunition, "may sell military reserve or provide other military support to member states."

Observer reports to the Security Council twice a year. The previous report accused North Korea of using Internet attacks to steal funds to fund their nuclear weapons and missile plans.North Korea denies these allegations.

The 15th Division of the Security Council has different differences in sanctions on North Korea

North Korea has developed nuclear weapons and has been sanctioned by the United Nations since 2006.The United Nations has strengthened sanctions in recent years, but the 15 members of the Security Council have now disagreeing on sanctions on sanctions and maintaining friendly relations with North Korea to relax sanctions to attract North Korea to return to nuclear negotiation tables.

North Korea's human rights issue has been criticized by the international community for a long time.The UN Security Council will hold a public meeting next Thursday (August 17) to discuss North Korea's human rights violations.It is the United States, Albania and Japan, which will be the first time that the Security Council has held formal public conferences on North Korea's human rights since 2017.

North Korea has repeatedly denied human rights violations and blamed its domestic humanitarian dilemma on Western sanctions.The Security Council faces the opposition from China and Russia. The responsibility of the Security Council believes that the Security Council is to maintain international peace and security. Human rights issues should be limited to discussions at other UN institutions such as human rights councils or UN conferences.

China and Russia will meet at the Security Council to discuss North Korean human rights issues next week and propose procedural voting.A senior official in the United States said that the United States has confidence in at least nine councils to vote for votes to reach the threshold of the meeting.