(Washington Reuters) The US Congress conducted a survey of Morgan Stanley Capital International, asset management giants, Belle, and Index, saying that the two companies were suspected of assisting Chinese companies that have been included in the blacklist to introduce US funds.

The Special Committee of the China House of Representatives issued a letter on Monday (July 31) that BlackRock and Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) helped to introduce US funds into dozens of Chinese companies. "ActuallyThe scale is believed to be larger. "And these Chinese companies have previously been blacklisted by the United States because they" encourage the development of Chinese military development and infringement of human rights. "

The committee criticized this behavior to exacerbate the serious national security threat to the United States and destroy the values of the United States.

Bellaide is also the world's largest asset management company. It denies improper behaviors and said that the company's investment in China and around the world is all in compliance with US law.Morgan Stanley Capital International stated that he was investigating by the research committee.

A spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in the United States commented in an email sent to Reuters that the United States "excessively emphasizes the concept of national security, politically put economic, trade and investment issues, and violates market economy principles and international trade rules."

Reuters reports that a series of sensitive issues in China and the United States include different positions such as the Russian and Ukraine War and Taiwan.example.

After the United States Republican Party won the House of Representatives in January this year, it established a Special Committee of China Issues to define the competition between China and the United States as a "struggle for life and death."This committee has no right to legislate, but can make policy suggestions.The US Congress deeply differentiated, but the Republican and Democratic Party rarely agreed to adopt a tough position on China.