The United States has officially invited China's new foreign minister Wang Yi to visit Washington, but the date has not been finalized.

Reuters reported that the US State Department said on Tuesday (August 1) that the State Council East Asia and Pacific Affairs Assistant Secretary of State Kangda invited Wang Yi to visit the United States when meeting with Yang Tao, the director of the North American Oceania of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Kangda had a talk with Yang Tao who visited Washington on Monday.

The State Council had previously invited the former Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang.China re -appointed Wang Yi to replace Qin Gang's post last week.

The State Council spokesman Miller said on Tuesday that Kangda stated when he met with Yang Tao that the invitation from Qin Gang before was now invited to invite Wang Yi.

Miller did not disclose whether the Chinese side accepted the invitation, but he said it was Washington's expectations."Of course we hope they accept the invitation, we also expect they will agree, but we have not arranged the date."

When a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington said that when China and Kangda were "negotiated", they exchanged their opinions frankly, in -depth, and constructive global and regional issues that were concerned about.He also said: "Both sides believe that high -level exchanges and communication are necessary."

China re -appointed senior diplomat Wang Yi last week to replace the post of foreign minister Qin Gang, a former political star Qin Gang.Qin Gang did not show up again after he took office for seven months.

On July 25, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China decided to remove the post of foreign ministers of the State Councilor Qin Gang. At the same time, Wang Yi was appointed as a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee.