Russian President Putin said external pressure has accelerated the unified process of Russia and Belarus."In this case, it can be easier for us to reduce the damage caused by sanctions, it is easier to master the production of necessities, easier to develop new capabilities, and expand cooperation with friendly countries."

(Moscow / Kiev Composite Electric) Russian President Putin warned that unprecedented politics and sanctions in the West are pushing Russia and White Ross to the unification.

Putin said in a bilateral forum held in the western city of Berlos on Friday that external pressures have accelerated the unified process of Russia and White countries."In this case, we can easier to reduce the damage caused by sanctions, be easier to master the production of necessities, easier to develop new capabilities, and expand cooperation with friendly countries."

However, Putin did not give a specific explanation to the unified process.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union before 1991, the republics joined the Republic were independent.In 1997, Beros and Russia signed a treaty to restore the relationship between the two countries.In recent years, the two countries have become closer.After Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine on February 24 this year, Western countries immediately sanctioned, while Beros reiterated that he adhered to his commitment to Russia and strengthened bilateral cooperation.

On March 14, after the meeting with the visiting Berlos Foreign Minister Gorolov, Russian Prime Minister Mishasi, emphasized that the two countries took consistent measures to protect economic security and scientific and technological sovereignty between the two countries."The most important thing is that we think it is necessary to strengthen internal integration."

The speculation about the uniformity of the two countries was heating up at the end of 2020. At that time, President of the White Ross, Lukashenko, was accused of fraud in the presidential election. Demonstrations also occurred in China, but he was successfully re -elected by Putin's fiscal and political support.

A few days ago, Putin spoke a few days ago, Ukrainian President Zelezki publicly called for the White Ross to prevent Putin from dragging Beros into the mud of the Russian and Ukraine.

Zelei posted a video last Sunday saying: "You are getting involved in the war. The Kremlin has decided everything for you. But you are not slaves or cannon fodder, you don't have to send to death."

White Ross allows Russia to hold a large -scale military exercise in the domestic garrison and hold a large -scale military exercise.A few days ago, Putin also said that it will provide Berlogs with missiles that can carry nuclear warheads, especially the Ibander-M missile system.

Schikibiski, deputy director of the General Administration of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, revealed on Friday that Beros has deployed seven battalions on the border between the two countries.He judged that although the White Army's threat to invade Ukraine existed, it was unlikely to launch attacks directly at this stage, because the White Army's army cluster and command system had not yet been established.

In the war in Ukraine, the Ukraine accused the Russian army of withdrawing from Snake Island on Thursday, and the next day, the SU-30 fighter aircraft launched two attacks on Snake Island with a burning phosphorus bomb.

Ukraine has repeatedly accused the Russian army of using combustion phosphorus bombs to launch an attack, including in a civilian area, but Moscow denied it.The international convention is forbidden to use the combustion bullets on civilians, only for military targets.

SERHIIVKA, a small town near the coastal town near the Wulian Odea, was bombed in the early morning of Friday, causing at least 21 people to die and dozens of people injured.Zelezzky refers to the "terrorist act" of the Russian army attacking the local residential area and resort.

Report: Russia's first admitting that the weapons on the battlefield are about to be exhausted

According to Newsweek, Russia's first admitting weapon in Ukraine is about to be exhausted. The Putin government has submitted a draft federal law to Congress to approve the use of reserve materials and temporary mobilization manpower and facilities to quickly fill in filling.arms.This reflects the huge losses in Ukraine.

Western countries' assistance to Ukraine has continued.After the United States provided a new batch of weapons, sources revealed that the European Union was preparing to provide Ukraine with other short -term fiscal assistance of another 1 billion euros (about S $ 1.46 billion).

Norway promised to provide Ukraine with 10 billion krones (about S $ 1.4 billion) within two years, for humanitarian assistance, reconstruction and weapon funding.