US polls, exceeded the US polls, exceeded the US polls.Two -thirds of the interviewees believe that more sanctions should be imposed in Russia, but nearly half of the interviewees are dissatisfied with the way US President Biden dealt with this crisis.

Reuters and IPSOS on the Internet on Tuesday and Wednesday showed that 69 % of Americans support more sanctions on Russia.However, nearly half of the interviewees did not agree with Biden's treatment of this crisis, 48 % believed that the problem of Ukraine had nothing to do with the United States.

In the past few months, the various costs from fuel to food have been rising, which has made Americans bored.They are no longer so satisfied with Biden's leadership, and the Michigan University index that tracks consumer confidence has plummeted to the lowest level in 10 years this month.

In addition, 62 % of the respondents opposed the United States to send troops to protect the auxiliary assistance after the United States invaded Ukraine in Russia. Republicans' opposition opinions were the strongest. Most respondents also opposed air strikes.

The Republican Party is seeking to regain the control of Congress on the mid -term elections on November 8 this year. The party members have criticized Biden's response to Russian President Putin too late and too little.

The United States Republican and Democratic parties have always had a habit, that is, no matter how the two parties argued against the domestic agenda, the two parties will unite overseas crisis when they are imminent.

However, the Ukrainian war is now seriously testing this traditional role of Congress.In the two hospitals, both members of the party urged Biden to fight against Putin.

However, many Republicans criticized Bayeon's performance in this crisis on the one hand, and on the other hand, it hinted that the United States should not intervene.

Democratic poll expert Kuberman said: "Congress no longer puts on holding domestic competition in order to provide a strong united front in order to provide a strong united front. This is a very bad trend ... This makes us look weak and make PutinMore bold and arrogant, it also damages our democracy. "