NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg reiterated on Thursday (February 24) that NATO did not plan to send alliance departments to come to UkraineEssence

According to Agence France -Presse, Stoltenberg said at a press conference on the same day that when Russia launched Russia in Ukraine, a non -NATO member country, NATO will launch a defense plan for allies.

However, he did not explain the specific details. He only said that the defense plan would cover NATO's all -east wings and awarded the greater power of NATO military commanders within the political definition guidelines.This includes the rapid reaction force of about 40,000 people and the high preparatory team of 7,000 people.

This is the first public that NATO has publicly stated that this defense plan will be launched.The plan was formulated after Russia was merged in 2014.The Russian and pro -Russian forces clashed with Ukraine in 2014, which led to the Crimean crisis. Crimea finally returned to Russia through a referendum.

Stoltenberg also confirmed that NATO will hold a video conference on Friday (25th) to discuss special military operations in Russia to launch special military operations in the Basal region of Ukrandon.Non -NATO member states Sweden and Finland, and the Chairman of the European Commission Feng Delin and the Chairman of the EU Council Michelle will attend the meeting.

At the same time, Stoltenberg reiterated that NATO did not plan to send the alliance forces to Ukraine.