A detainee of a detainer of a detainer of the Sichuan Nanchong Security Service Corporation returned to the company on Wednesday (21st) from the bank to the company.Among them, after the shot of the shipment, the rescue was invalid.

Comprehensive cover news and Red Star News reported that the winner was the 40 -year -old detainer Tan, a 40 -year -old detainer of the Nanchong City Security Service Corporation.

On the morning of the morning, the team where Tan was located was used to escort banknotes for banks as usual. After the delivery task was over, the team returned to their own company.The firearm of the bomb inspection was on fire and hit another security guard Tan.

Subsequently, Tan was sent to Nanchong Central Hospital. Due to serious injuries, rescue was died.It is understood that the security guard sent to the rescue is a severe gunshot injury, hurting the femoral artery, and the wound is very large.From the ambulance to the operating room, the medical staff recovered the whole process.Before the emergency room was sent to the operating room, before he had time to surgery, Tan had completely lost his life signs.

The guardian company acknowledged to his relatives that this was entirely an accident, and the relatives also saw the surveillance video of the incident at the time.

In addition, according to a person insiders in the police, the detainees involved have been criminals by the police for suspected death.

Relevant staff of Nanchong City Security Service Corporation responded to the media inquiry that the relevant situation is being dealt with and did not disclose details.

According to the information of Tianyancha, the Sichuan Province Nanchong City Security Service Corporation was established on June 22, 2005. The main business scope is security services, solutions, and tail library management.